An iterative backprojection algorithm for electrical impedance imaging using finite element method.

Atalar, Ergin


An adaptive neighbourhood construction algorithm based on density and connectivity
İNKAYA, TÜLİN; Kayaligil, Sinan; Özdemirel, Nur Evin (2015-01-15)
A neighbourhood is a refined group of data points that are locally similar. It should be defined based on the local relations in a data set. However, selection of neighbourhood parameters is an unsolved problem for the traditional neighbourhood construction algorithms such as k-nearest neighbour and e-neighbourhood. To address this issue, we introduce a novel neighbourhood construction algorithm. We assume that there is no a priori information about the data set. Different from the neighbourhood definitions...
An Interactive Algorithm for Multi-objective Route Planning
Tezcaner, Diclehan; Köksalan, Mustafa Murat (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2011-08-01)
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An Integrated regression-bootstrap sampling scheduling method for probabilistic duration range estimation of construction projects
Barış, Özgür; Sönmez, Rifat; Department of Civil Engineering (2019)
The estimation of project duration is important in construction projects, since it directly affects the costs and the success of the projects. Schedule risks can be determined along with the duration estimations in order to assess the possibility of delay penalties and additional costs. Therefore, the accuracy of the estimation of project duration range is very crucial in construction industry to assess the schedule risks. This thesis presents an integrated approach of non-parametric bootstrap sampling meth...
An interactive method to multiresponse surface optimization based on pairwise comparisons
Lee, Dong-Hee; Kim, Kwang-Jae; Köksalan, Mustafa Murat (Informa UK Limited, 2012-01-01)
In Multi-Response Surface Optimization (MRSO), responses are often in conflict. To obtain a satisfactory compromise, the preference information of a Decision Maker (DM) on the trade-offs among the responses should be incorporated into the problem. Most existing methods employ preference parameters to incorporate the DM's subjective judgment on the responses. The preference parameter values are specified in advance or adjusted in an interactive manner. However, it is often difficult to specify or adjust the ...
An iterative solution procedure for improving feasibility in hierarchical production planning
Çetinkaya, Ferda Can; Kayalıgil, Sinan; Department of Industrial Engineering (1988)
Citation Formats
E. Atalar, “An iterative backprojection algorithm for electrical impedance imaging using finite element method.,” Middle East Technical University, 1987.