Topaloğlu, Bülent
Topçu Eryalçın, Nur Eda
Tezcan, Devrim
Öztürk, Bayram
Sile region was the Pilot Project (PP) area of the EU -FP7 project, CoCoNet and proposed as one of the potential MPAs along the Turkish Black Sea coast. This study aimed to describe the habitat types according to EUNIS. Three coastal and 12 marine habitats were determined along the coasts and littoral zone of Sile PP area.


BSHAP project strong ground motion database and selection of suitable ground motion models for the Western Balkan Region
SALİC, Radmila; SANDIKKAYA, MUSTAFA ABDULLAH; MİLUTİNOVİC, Zoran; Gülerce, Zeynep; DUNİ, Llambro; KOVACEVİC, Vladan; MARKUSİC, Snjezana; MİHALJEVİC, Jadranka; KUKA, Neki; KALUDJEROVİC, Natasa; KOTUR, Natasa; KRMPOTİC, Sandra; KUK, Kresimir; STANKO, Davor (2017-04-01)
The Harmonization of Seismic Hazard Maps in the Western Balkan Countries Project (BSHAP) was funded for 7 years by NATO Science for Peace and Security Program to support the preparation of new seismic hazard maps of the Western Balkan Region. In the framework of BSHAP, the regional free field strong motion network capacity was significantly increased by deployed recorders (Gulerce et al. in Final report of improvements in the Harmonized Seismic Hazard Maps for the Western Balkan Countries (BSHAP-2) Project,...
Extreme waves at Filyos, southern Black Sea
Bilyay, E.; Ozbahceci, B. O.; Yalçıner, Ahmet Cevdet (Copernicus GmbH, 2011-01-01)
A wave measurement project was carried out for a new port planned in Filyos, in the Western Black Sea region of Turkey. The measurement at a depth of 12.5 m lasted for a period of two years and 7949 records were obtained. During the analysis, it was noticed that there were 209 records in which H/H(s) ratio was higher than 2.0. These higher waves in a record are called extreme waves in this study. Although the purpose of wave measurement is not to investigate extreme waves, it is believed that studying these...
GAP: An Irrigation And Development Project In Turkey
Taraklı, Duran (Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, 1989)
The Southeastern Anatolia Project (GAP) in Turkey, which was initiated in 1976 with the Karakaya Dam consists of thirteen major projects. Twenty-two dams and seventeen hydroelectric power plants (HPP) with a total capacity of 7 561 MW will be constructed as part of it. GAP will provide irrigation for 1641282 hectares of land and will have an annual output of 25 003 GWh of power (1). Turkey has about 27.7 million hectares (ha) of land suitable for agriculture. Surveys show that it is economically feasible to...
Hydroelectric power potential and its use in Turkey
Taşdemiroğlu, Erol (Elsevier BV, 1988-7)
Hydroelectric development in Turkey is briefly reviewed. The results of estimates of gross and economically exploitable hydroelectric power potentials are compared. Dam sites and their order for construction are identified. Present and future developments in the power sector are analyzed and projections are given for electricity consumption and production to the year 2010. Hydraulic, thermal and nuclear contributions to total electricity generation are discussed. Finally, problems associated with hydroelect...
BSHAP seismic source characterization models for the Western Balkan region
MİHALJEVİC, Jadranka; ZUPANCİC, Polona; KUKA, Neki; KALUDEROVİC, Natasa; KOÇİ, Rexhep; MARKUŠİC, Snjezana; ŠALİC, Radmila; DUSHİ, Edmond; BEGU, Enkela; DUNİ, Llambro; ZİVCİC, Mladen; KOVACEVİC, Svetlana; IVANCİC, Ines; KOVACEVİC, Vladan; MİLUTİNOVİC, Zoran; VAKİLİNEZHAD, Marjan; FİKET, Tomislav; Gülerce, Zeynep (2017-10-01)
This manuscript presents the seismic source characterization models that were developed and used for the Western Balkan region in the framework of Harmonization of Seismic Hazard Maps in the Western Balkan Countries Project (BSHAP II) funded by NATO-Science for Peace and Security Program. Relevant knowledge about the geological and seismotectonic structure of Western Balkans and surrounding region was collected and utilized along with the BSHAP focal mechanism database and the BSHAP earthquake catalogue (Ma...
Citation Formats
B. Topaloğlu, N. E. Topçu Eryalçın, D. Tezcan, and B. Öztürk, “EUNIS HABITAT CLASSIFICATION OF A POTENTIAL MPA SILE TURKEY WESTERN BLACK SEA,” 2016, vol. 41, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: