Turkish adaptation of Basic Empathy Scale BES



Turkish adaptation of the objectified body consciousness scale and the self-objectification questionnaire
Yilmaz, Tugba; Bozo Özen, Özlem (2019-09-01)
Objective: The scope of this study was to adapt two important measurement tools from the body image literature: the Objectified Body Consciousness Scale (OBCS) and the Self-Objectification Questionnaire (SOQ). These instruments are important in the assessment of eating and feeding disorders. The objectified body consciousness scale has three subscales: body surveillance, body shame, and control beliefs. Although the two scales had been translated to Turkish before, the psychometric properties had not been s...
Turkish adaptation of the trait meta-mood scale
Aksoz, Idil; Bugay, Asli; Erdur Baker, Özgür (2010-02-08)
This study investigates the reliability and validity of the Turkish version of the Trait Meta-Mood Scale (Salovey, Mayer, Goldman, Turvey & Palfai, 1995). This scale was originally developed to measure the ability to understand one's mood, to find the degree to which individuals moderate their moods, and to find correspondences between feelings and thoughts. The Trait Meta-Mood Scale (TMMS) and Ruminative Response Scale (RRS) were applied to 319 university students. Confirmatory and exploratory factor analy...
3 x 2 Hedef Yönelimi Ölçeği’nin Türkçe’ye Uyarlanması
Akbulut, Cansel; Kondakçı, Esen (2019-10-01)
The purpose of this study was to adapt the Goal Orientation Scale revised by Elliot, Murayama, and Pekrun (2011) based on the 3 x 2 model into Turkish and to conduct the validity and reliability analyses. The scale had been administered to pre-service teachers who were taking university level “Educational Psychology” course. The research consisted of two parts as pilot and main studies. A total of 198 pre-service teachers participated in the pilot study while 311 pre-service teachers attended to the main st...
Turkish version of perceived devaluation-discrimination scale: an adaptation study
Saçak, Kutay; Canel Çınarbaş, Deniz; Department of Psychology (2019)
The purpose of this thesis was to adapt Perceived Devaluation-Discrimination (PDD) scale for Turkish language and culture. With this aim, participants for two different samples were included in the study. The first sample consisted of 145 general community residents and the second sample consisted of 85 individuals with chronic psychiatric disorders. Statistical analyses were carried out to test for psychometric properties of the Turkish version of PDD in general community and clinical samples. In this rega...
Turkish adaptation of the drive for muscularity scale: a validity and reliability study
Selvi, Kerim; Bozo Özen, Özlem (2019-06-01)
In the current study, it was aimed to adapt the Drive for Muscularity Scale (DMS), which has been commonly used to measure attitudes and behaviors related to muscularity, to Turkish. For this purpose, the data collected from 297 male participants were analyzed with exploratory factor analysis, and its results indicated that Turkish DMS has a three-factor structure for Turkish men, KMO = .87; Bartlett’s test of sphericity χ 2 (105) = 2512. 12, p < .001. This three-factor structure of DMS was also supported b...
Citation Formats
Ç. Topcu, Ö. Erdur Baker, and Y. Çapa Aydın, “Turkish adaptation of Basic Empathy Scale BES,” 2009, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: https://hdl.handle.net/11511/79115.