Risk Değerlendirmesi için varsayıma dayalı düşünme



Application of a risk visualization framework using semantic risk data to empower risk communication
Ertaymaz, Muzaffer Uğurcan; Atasoy Özcan, Güzide; Department of Civil Engineering (2020)
Risk communication is one of the major factors that effects the success of a project. Conventional risk management focuses on risk checklists and matrices, and considerable amount of risk information is discarded and not communicated. Without communicating the necessary risk information, risk management strategies cannot be applied effectively. The purpose of this study is to develop a systematic and practical risk visualization framework that shall improve the risk communication strategies. The proposed fr...
Risk Belirsizlik ve İktisat
Özdemir, Özlem (2019-01-01)
Risk ve Belirsizlik Durumlarındaki Davranışlar
Özdemir, Özlem (Ticaret Bakanlığı, 2018-05-01)
Risk, Belirsizlik ve İktisat
Özdemir, Özlem (İletişim Yayıncılık, 2019-12-01)
Risk yönetim kavramsallaştırmaları ve riskin yerel yönetimi
The organizational literature on risk management conceptualizes risk as a phenomenon, which is objectively analyzable and manageable. Accordingly, any accident, disaster, or crisis risk seems to have a single universal nature, which can be understood by risk experts. Criticizing this risk conceptualization of the literature, this study argues that risk might be differently interpreted and experienced by various social groups. Risk has a local character revealed in the experiences and relationships of indivi...
Citation Formats
İ. Dikmen Toker, “Risk Değerlendirmesi için varsayıma dayalı düşünme,” presented at the 16th Engineering Project Organisation Conference, Pula, Hırvatistan, 2018, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: http://www.epossociety.org/EPOC2018/proceedings.htm.