Multi Camera Visual Surveillance for Motion Detection Occlusion Handling Tracking and Event Recognition

This paper presents novel approaches for background modeling, occlusion handling and event recognition by using multi-camera configurations that can be used to overcome the limitations of the single camera configurations. The main novelty in proposed background modeling approach is building multivariate Gaussians background model for each pixel of the reference camera by utilizing homography-related positions. Also, occlusion handling is achieved by generation of the top-view via trifocal tensors, as a result of matching over-segmented regions instead of pixels. The resulting graph is segmented into objects after determining the minimum spanning tree of this graph. Tracking of multi-view data is obtained by utilizing measurements across the views in case of occlusions. The last contribution is the classification of the resulting trajectories by GM-HMMs, yielding better results for using together all different view trajectories of the same object. Hence, multi-camera sensing is fully exploited from motion detection to event modeling.
Workshop on Multi-camera and Multi-modal Sensor Fusion Algorithms and Applications


Multi-camera video surveillance : detection, occlusion handling, tracking and event recognition
Akman, Oytun; Alatan, Abdullah Aydın; Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (2007)
In this thesis, novel methods for background modeling, tracking, occlusion handling and event recognition via multi-camera configurations are presented. As the initial step, building blocks of typical single camera surveillance systems that are moving object detection, tracking and event recognition, are discussed and various widely accepted methods for these building blocks are tested to asses on their performance. Next, for the multi-camera surveillance systems, background modeling, occlusion handling, tr...
Sarikan, Selim S.; Olgun, Ramazan F.; Akar, Gözde (2011-09-09)
This paper presents a new quality evaluation model for stereoscopic videos using depth map segmentation. This study includes both objective and subjective evaluation. The goal of this study is to understand the effect of different depth levels on the overall 3D quality. Test sequences with different coding schemes are used. The results show that overall quality has a strong correlation with the quality of the background, where disparity is smaller relative to the foreground. The results also showed that con...
Keyframe based bi directional 2 D mesh representation for video object tracking and manipulation
Eren, Pekin Erhan (1999-10-28)
We propose a new bi-directional 2-D mesh representation of video objects, which utilizes multiple keyframes with forward and backward tracking. Experimental results on use of this representation for video object tracking in the presence of self occlusion are presented.
Depth assisted object segmentation in multi-view video
Cigla, Cevahir; Alatan, Abdullah Aydın (2008-01-01)
In this work, a novel and unified approach for multi-view video (MVV) object segmentation is presented. In the first stage, a region-based graph-theoretic color segmentation algorithm is proposed, in which the popular Normalized Cuts segmentation method is improved with some modifications on its graph structure. Segmentation is obtained by recursive bi-partitioning of a weighted graph of an initial over-segmentation mask. The available segmentation mask is also utilized during dense depth map estimation ste...
Region-based parametric motion segmentation using color information
Altunbasak, Y; Eren, Pekin Erhan; Tekalp, AM (1998-01-01)
This paper presents pixel-based and region-based parametric motion segmentation methods for robust motion segmentation with the goal of aligning motion boundaries with those of real objects in a scene. We first describe a two-step iterative procedure for parametric motion segmentation by either motion-vector or motion-compensated intensity matching. We next present a region-based extension of this method, whereby all pixels within a predefined spatial region are assigned the same motion label. These predefi...