Güç Yükseltecinin Büyük Yıldız Kare Dördün Genlik Kiplenimi QAM Üzerine Etkileri ve Çözüm Önerisi

Gülgün, Ziya
Yılmaz, Ali Özgür


Modeling of asymmetric intermodulation distortion and memory effects of power amplifiers
Yüzer, Ahmet Hayrettin; Demir, Şimşek; Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (2011)
This dissertation is focused on developing a new passband behavioral model in order to account for asymmetric intermodulation distortion resulted from memory effect. First, a measurement setup is prepared to measure the AM/AM, AM/PM distortion, magnitudes and the phases of intermodulation (IMD) and fundamental (FUND) components which are created by the amplifier where phase is calculated only by measuring magnitudes. Then, responses of a sample amplifier are measured for different excitation situations (cen...
Güç Sistemleri için Veri Ölçümü ve İzleme Sisteminin Geliştirilmesi
Keysan, Ozan; Akgemci, Aysel; Demir, Jeanpiere(2016-12-31)
Bu projede, elektriksel ölçüm ve analiz sistemlerinde kullanılabilecek, modüler ve açık kaynak kodlu bir gerilim ve voltaj ölçüm kartı ve yazılımı geliştirilmesi amaçlanmaktadır. Projede geliştirilecek cihazın temelinde nesnelerin interneti (IoT - internet of things) ve bilgisayar-kartlar (single-board computers) yer alacaktır.Halihazırda ODTÜ Elektrik ve Elektronik Mühendisliği Bölümü, Elektrik Makinaları ve Sürücüler Laboratuvarı’nda EE361 ve EE362 kodlu lisans derslerinin deneylerinde, veri toplamak ve k...
Lowpass broadband harmonic filter design
Zubi, Hazem; Hava, Ahmet Masum; Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (2005)
In this thesis an analytical design method of the improved broadband passive harmonic filter (IBF) for three phase diode rectifier front-end type adjustable speed drives is presented. The method is based on frequency domain modeling of the rectifier and filter. The success of the method involves accurate representation of the load harmonics. With the harmonics well defined, the harmonic and fundamental frequency equivalent circuits are utilized to analytically calculate the voltages/currents. Thus, the size...
Estimation of steady-state temperature distribution in power transformer by using finite difference method
Gözcü, Ferhat Can; Ertaş, Arif; Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (2010)
Estimating the temperature distribution in transformer components in the design stage and during the operation is crucial since temperatures above the thermal limits of these components might seriously damage them. Thermal models are used to predict this vital information prior to actual operations. In this study, a two-dimensional, steady-state model based on the Finite Difference Method (FDM) is proposed to estimate the temperature distribution in the three-phase, SF6 gas insulatedcooled power transformer...
Data-driven modeling using deep neural networks for power systems demand and locational marginal price forecasting
Jimu, Honest; Fahrioğlu, Murat; Electrical and Electronics Engineering (2022-9)
Forecasting electricity demand and locational marginal prices (LMPs) have become critical components for power system security and management. Electricity Demand Forecasting (EDF) aids the utility in maximizing the use of power-generation plants and scheduling them for both reliability and cost-effectiveness. In this thesis, a novel Deep Neural Network Long Short-Term Memory (DNN-LSTM) forecasting model is suggested to improve accuracy and robustness for predicting hourly day ahead power system load and LMP...
Citation Formats
Z. Gülgün and A. Ö. Yılmaz, “Güç Yükseltecinin Büyük Yıldız Kare Dördün Genlik Kiplenimi QAM Üzerine Etkileri ve Çözüm Önerisi,” 2016, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: https://hdl.handle.net/11511/80273.