Akıllı Yapılarda Zorlanmış Titreşimlerin Aktif Kontrolu

Yaman, Yavuz
Nalbantoğlu, Volkan
Çalışkan, Tarkan
Prasad, Eswar
Endüstri&Otomasyon, Aylık Elektrik, Elektronik, Makina, Bilgisayar ve Kontrol Sistemleri Dergisi


Akıllı Yapıların Sonlu Elemanlar Tekniği Kullanılarak Modellenmesi
Tarkan, Çalışkan; Volkan, Nalbantoğlu; Yaman, Yavuz (null; 2001-10-01)
Active vibration control of smart structures
Ülker, Demet Fatma; Yaman, Yavuz; Nalbantoğlu, Volkan; Department of Aerospace Engineering (2003)
The purpose of this thesis was to design controllers by using H^ and yn control strategies in order to suppress the free and forced vibrations of smart structures. The smart structures analyzed in this study were the smart beam and the smart fin. They were aluminum passive structures with surface bonded PZT (Lead-Zirconate-Titanate) patches. The structures were considered in clamped-free configuration. The first part of this study focused on the identification of nominal system models of the smart structure...
Akıllı yapıların havacılık ve uzay mühendisliğindeki uygulamaları
Yaman, Yavuz; Volkan, Nalbantoğlu; Fatma Demet, Ülker; Eswar, Prasad (null; 2002-10-24)
Smart structures are constructed by the integration of active materials with passive structures. Those active materials are usually piezoelectric, electrostrictive, magnetostrictive and fiber optic materials. Smart structures are extensively used in recent engineering applications and provide the controlling of the passive structures. The studies involving the use of smart structures in the elimination of flutter, tail-buffet and blade-vortex interaction problems in aerospace structures due to vibration and...
Akıllı Bir Kirişin Zorlanmış Titreşimlerinin Aktif Kontrolu
Fatma Demet, Ülker; Volkan, Nalbantoğlu; Tarkan, Çalışkan; Yaman, Yavuz; Eswar, Prasad (null; 2003-10-01)
Bu çalı ş mada, akıllı bir plakanın serbest ve zorlanmı ş titre ş imlerinin kontrolü için μ -sentez methodu ile denetçi tasarımı ve tasarlanan denetçinin titre ş im sönümlemedeki etkinli ğ i sunulmu ş tur. Akıllı plaka havacılık yapılarında kullanılan bir fin ş eklinde olu ğ u için çalı ş mada akıllı fin diye tanımlanmaktadır. Akıllı fin bir ucu tutturulmu ş , di ğ er ucu serbest pasif alüminyum fin ve bunun her iki yüzeyine simetrik olarak yapı ...
A complex event processing framework implementation using heterogeneous devices in smart environments
Kaya, Muammer Özge; Eren, Pekin Erhan; Department of Information Systems (2012)
Significant developments in microprocessor and sensor technology make wirelessly connected small computing devices widely available; hence they are being used frequently to collect data from the environment. In this study, we construct a framework in order to extract high level information in an environment containing such pervasive computing devices. In the framework, raw data originating from wireless sensors are collected using an event driven system and converted to simple events for transmission over a...
Citation Formats
Y. Yaman, V. Nalbantoğlu, T. Çalışkan, and E. Prasad, “Akıllı Yapılarda Zorlanmış Titreşimlerin Aktif Kontrolu,” Endüstri&Otomasyon, Aylık Elektrik, Elektronik, Makina, Bilgisayar ve Kontrol Sistemleri Dergisi, pp. 18–23, 2005, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: https://hdl.handle.net/11511/80436.