Dispossession by concession: forest commons in the Ottoman Empire and early Turkish Republic



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Disassembly and re-use of building materials : a case study on salvaged timber components
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Disowning citizens: arbitrary revocation of citizenship and statelessness in the paternalist Turkish state
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The aim of this study is to understand the concept of citizenship, on the basis of its negation, in a word statelessness, through focusing on the practice of citizenship revocation that is one of the most forgotten fields of the citizenship studies both in general and in Turkey. Starting out with this aim, the practice of involuntary loss of citizenship within the context of Turkey, analyzed in association with national identity and perceived (dis)loyalty. The analysis presented within the context of this s...
Enclosing Forests: Property and Political Ecology in the Çiftliks of Western Anatolia in the Late Nineteenth Century
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Destruction of a Relict Landscape for a New Community The Case of Yedikule Urban Gardens
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Citation Formats
S. Dursun, Dispossession by concession: forest commons in the Ottoman Empire and early Turkish Republic. 2019, p. 284.