A Validity Reliability Study Investigating Parent Involvement Beliefs of Teachers and Parents Using School and Family Partnerships Questionnaire

A Validity Reliability Study Investigating Parent Involvement Beliefs of Teachers and Parents Using School and Family Partnerships Questionnaire", European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), İstanbul, Türkiye, 10 - 13 Eylül 2013


A Cross-Cultural Study of Preservice Elementary Teachers' Epistemological Beliefs and Gender Effect
Yılmaz Tüzün, Özgül; Hanuscin, Deborah L. (null; 2007-04-11)
This study explored the preservice elementary teachers (PET) epistemological beliefs across the USA and Turkey and examined the effect of gender on PET s epistemological beliefs. Participants included 141 PETs in a major research university in Ankara, Turkey and 96 PETs in a large Midwestern university in the USA. According to explanatory factor analysis results, in both the Turkish and USA samples Factor 1, 2, and 3 were named as Simple knowledge , Innate ability , and Certain knowledge respectively. ...
A cross-age study on elementary students’ value orientations, environmental optimism levels and environmental concern
Eryiğit, Arzu; Öztekin, Ceren; Department of Educational Sciences (2010)
A cross age study was conducted to investigate 6th, 7th and 8th grade students’ value orientations, environmental optimism, and environmental concern. In addition, gender and grade level differences in the environmental-related attributes were examined. A total of 938 (491 girls and 447 boys) students attending public schools located in Kelkit, the district of Gumushane, were administered a questionnaire consisting of Demographics, Environmental Attitudes and Apathy Scales, Environmental Concern Scale , Env...
A longitudinal study of elementary students use of variable notation to represent mathematical generalizations
Blanton, Maria; Gardiner, Angela; İşler Baykal, Işıl; Stephens, Ana; Knuth, Eric (null; 2016-04-09)
A qualitative study on corporal punishment and emotionally abusive disciplinary practices among mothers of children with ADHD
GÜLİN EVİNÇ, ŞÜKRAN; FOTO ÖZDEMİR, DİLŞAD; Karadag, Ferda; AKDEMİR, DEVRİM; Gençöz, Tülin; Surucu, Ozlem; Unal, Fatih (2018-01-01)
OBJECTIVES: The present study aimed to investigate actual disciplinary behaviours of Turkish mothers' in the context of relational environment and to investigate ADHD as a risk factor on abusive disciplinary practices.
A replication study of JTC bias, genetic liability for psychosis and delusional ideation
Henquet, Cécile; et. al. (2022-07-13)
This study attempted to replicate whether a bias in probabilistic reasoning, or 'jumping to conclusions'(JTC) bias is associated with being a sibling of a patient with schizophrenia spectrum disorder; and if so, whether this association is contingent on subthreshold delusional ideation. Methods Data were derived from the EUGEI project, a 25-centre, 15-country effort to study psychosis spectrum disorder. The current analyses included 1261 patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorder, 1282 siblings of patie...
Citation Formats
H. Ö. Demircan and F. Erden, “A Validity Reliability Study Investigating Parent Involvement Beliefs of Teachers and Parents Using School and Family Partnerships Questionnaire,” presented at the A Validity Reliability Study Investigating Parent Involvement Beliefs of Teachers and Parents Using School and Family Partnerships Questionnaire”, European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), İstanbul, Türkiye, 10 - 13 Eylül 2013, İstanbul, Türkiye, 2013, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: https://hdl.handle.net/11511/81272.