Effect of seismically induced loads on low cycle fatigue in steel H piles of integral bridges

1st Turkish Earthquake Engineering and Seismology Conference, 11 Ekim 2011


Effect of Seismically Induced Cyclic Displacements on Low Cycle Fatigue Performance of Integral Bridge Piles
Dicleli, Murat (2010-08-08)
Effect of Residual Stresses on the Structural Safety of the Butt Welded Structural Steels
Batıgün, Caner; Gür, Cemil Hakan (null; 2018-12-26)
Butt welded seams are widely used in steel constructions. The welding conditions, bevel geometry and the weld sequence are decided by considering the material thickness, welding process and the accessibility. Welding operation generates a residual stress state in the joint area depending on the geometry or path of the weld, initial temperature of the material, heat input, clamping conditions, cooling conditions, phase transformations, etc. Design of a product ignoring residual stresses always involves risks...
Effect of vehicular and seismic loads on the performance of integral bridges
Erhan, Semih; Dicleli, Murat; Department of Engineering Sciences (2011)
Integral bridges (IBs) are defined as a class of rigid frame bridges with a single row of piles at the abutments cast monolithically with the superstructure. In the last decade, IBs have become very popular in North America and Europe as they provide many economical and functional advantages. However, standard design methods for IBs have not been established yet. Therefore, most bridge engineers depend on the knowledge acquired from performance of previously constructed IBs and the design codes developed fo...
Effect of steady and transient wind shear on the wake structure and performance of a horizontal axis wind turbine rotor
SEZER UZOL, NİLAY; Uzol, Oğuz (2013-01-01)
This paper presents an investigation of the effect of steady and transient free-stream wind shear on the wake structure and performance characteristics of a horizontal axis wind turbine rotor. A new three-dimensional unsteady vortex-panel method potential flow solver based on a free-vortex wake methodology, AeroSIM+, is used for this purpose. The code is validated using the experimental data from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory Unsteady Aerodynamics Experiments. The effects of vortex core model, co...
Citation Formats
M. Dicleli, “Effect of seismically induced loads on low cycle fatigue in steel H piles of integral bridges,” Ankara, Türkiye, 2011, p. 1, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: https://hdl.handle.net/11511/81327.