The Supernatural and the Functions of the Gothic in Daphne du Maurier’s ‘The Birds’ and ‘Don’t Look Now’

2nd Global Conference - The Gothic: Exploring Critical Issues


The Supernatural and the Functions of the Gothic in Daphne du Maurier’s ‘The Birds’ and ‘Don’t Look Now’
Korkut Naykı, Nil (Brill, 2012-01-01)
Although the supernatural is usually an essential component of the gothic, there is significant variety in the way gothic texts employ supernatural elements. While some gothic narratives treat the supernatural as an unquestionable part of their fictional worlds, others evoke scepticism concerning the reality status of the uncanny events introduced. In such texts, the scepticism experienced by the characters and/or the readers is either resolved at some point in the narrative or played out until the very end...
The Ghostly Henry James: Narrative Ambiguity in ‘The Real Right Thing’ and ‘The Jolly Corner’
Korkut Naykı, Nil (null; 2011-04-13)
Kaygı, Korku ve Arzu Üçgeninde Fantazi
Yılmaz, Olcay (ODTÜ- AYNA Klinik Psikoloji Destek Ünitesi, 2021-10)
Bu yazıda Sigmund Freud’un kuramında kilit bir öneme sahip olan ve daha sonraları Jacques Lacan tarafından derinlemesine incelenen fantazi kavramı irdelenmektedir. Freud’da fantezi kavramının ortaya çıkışı rüyalar, gündüz düşleri, baştan çıkarma kuramı, sahte anı gibi olgularla ilişkiliyken, Lacan’da fantazi kavramı daha çok kaygı, korku, arzu ve fobi ile ilişkilendirilmiştir. Bu kavramların yanı sıra fantazi, Lacan’ın Öteki kavramı ile de doğrudan ilişkilidir. Fantazi kavramının farklı anlamlarda kullanılm...
The Shattering Symmetries between the Imaginary and the Symbolic in Carter’s The Magic Toyshop
Birlik, Nurten (2021-06-01)
The Magic Toyshop tells the story of three siblings (Melanie, Jonathan and Victoria) and what they go through in Uncle Philip’s house, where they find themselves in a totally different psychic space which is characterised by the resonances of the imaginary and in which images function differently. Among these images, animal imagery is central to Melanie’s depiction of both the inhabitants of the house and the house itself. Through its emphasis on the images, along with the hard facts of life, the novel give...
The Minor Machinery of Animal Packs: Becoming as Survival in Spiegelman's Maus
Shores, Corry Michael (2017-01-01)
Citation Formats
N. Korkut Naykı, “The Supernatural and the Functions of the Gothic in Daphne du Maurier’s ‘The Birds’ and ‘Don’t Look Now’,” presented at the 2nd Global Conference - The Gothic: Exploring Critical Issues, Warsaw, Poland, 2011, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: