

Characterization of Duplex Stainless Steel Weld Metals Obtained by Hybrid Plasma-Gas Metal Arc Welding
Yurtışık, Koray; Tirkeş, Süha; Gür, Cemil Hakan; Gürbüz, Rıza (FapUNIFESP (SciELO), 2013-07-01)
Despite its high efficiency, autogenous keyhole welding is not well-accepted for duplex stainless steels because it causes excessive ferrite in as-welded duplex microstructure, which leads to a degradation in toughness and corrosion properties of the material. Combining the deep penetration characteristics of plasma arc welding in keyhole mode and metal deposition capability of gas metal arc welding, hybrid plasma - gas metal arc welding process has considered for providing a proper duplex microstructure wi...
Characterization of Metamaterials using a New Design and Measurement Technique for Microstrip Circuit Applications
Nesimoglu, Tayfun; Sabah, Cumali (2014-12-14)
Characterization of a metamaterial based on an S-Shaped resonator and a feeding transmission line using a new measurement technique is studied in this paper. First, the metamaterial is designed and simulated using conventional methods. Then, it is fabricated on microstrip and excited by using a microstrip transmission feedline. Measurements were carried out using a vector network analyzer by (SubMiniature version A) SMA coaxial terminations without needing any waveguide transmission lines. For both simulate...
Characterization of pea flour based nanofibers produced by electrospinning method
Oğuz, Seren; Şahin, Serpil; Şümnü, Servet Gülüm; Department of Food Engineering (2018)
Electrospinning is a process that produces continuous nanofibers through the action of an electric field imposed on a polymer solution. In this thesis, it was aimed to produce pea flour and hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC) based homogenous nanofibers by electrospinning. The effects of pH, pea flour and HPMC concentration, and microfluidization on apparent viscosity, electrical conductivity of solutions and nanofiber characteristics were studied. In addition, the effects of voltage and flow rate were ana...
Characterization of cross-coupling in capacitive micromachined ultrasonic transducers
Bayram, Barış; Yaralioglu, GG; Oralkan, O; Lin, DS; Zhuang, XF; Ergun, AS; Sarioglu, AF; Wong, SH; Khuri-Yakub, BT (2005-01-01)
This paper analyzes element-to-element and cell-to-cell cross-coupling in capacitive micromachined ultrasonic transducers (cMUTs) using an interferometer. In a 1-D linear cMUT array immersed in oil, a single element was excited, and membrane displacements were measured at different positions along the array with an interferometer. Electrical measurements of the received voltage on each array element were also performed simultaneously to verify the optical measurements. The array was then covered with a poly...
Characterization of Si Nanocrystals
Yerci, Selçuk; Seyhan, Ayşe; Arife, Gencer; Turan, Raşit (null, 2010-01-01)
Citation Formats
E. Yıldırım, U. Yaman, and M. A. S. Arıkan, “CHARACTERIZATION OF EMBEDDED MICROCHANNELS FABRICATED BY SLA,” 2019, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: