Preservice Elementary Teachers Self efficacy Beliefs and Their Conceptions of Photosythesis and Inheritance

The purpose of this study was to examine preservice elementary teachers’ understanding of the concepts of photosynthesis and inheritance, to explore their self-efficacy beliefs in the teaching of science, and to investigate the relationship between these two issues. Data was gathered through the use of a misconception instrument and science teaching efficacy beliefs instruments. Seventy-nine preservice elementary teachers participated in this study. The results showed that participants held alternative conceptions regarding photosynthesis and inheritance and have generally positive self-efficacy beliefs regarding science teaching. The results also suggested that those participants with fewer alternative conceptions regarding photosynthesis had relatively high personal science teaching efficacy. Teachers are clearly a central component for student success in learning science; however, in 1983, Feistritzer and Boyer reported that among elementary teachers, understanding science concepts was at a low level. Previous studies have shown that elementary teachers often have negative attitudes toward science (Shrigley, 1974), have science anxiety (Czerniak & Chiarelott, 1990), have low science interest (Tilgner, 1990), and do not have confidence in their ability to teach science (DeTure, Gregory, & Ramsey, 1990). Studies also have found that elementary teachers generally possess a low level of knowledge regarding the concepts, facts, and skills concerning science (Stevens & Wenner, 1996; Victor, 1962; Wenner, 1993). A number of studies have documented that both preservice and inservice elementary teachers frequently hold alternative conceptions (or misconceptions) for a variety of science concepts and harbor misunderstandings (Atwood & Atwood, 1996; Schoon, 1993; Schoon & Boone, 1998). This often causes elementary teachers to avoid teaching science to children (Czerniak & Chiarelott, 1990; Westerback, 1982) or to spend less time teaching science in comparison to other subjects (Westerback, 1982).
Journal of Elementary Science Education


Preservice elementary teachers beliefs about science teaching
Yılmaz Tüzün, Özgül (2008-01-01)
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Preservice Science Teachers’ Informal Reasoning Regarding Socioscientific Issues and the Factors Influencing Their Informal Reasoning
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Preservice Science Teachers' Beliefs about Application of Science Process Skills: A Case Study
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Citation Formats
J. Çakıroğlu, “Preservice Elementary Teachers Self efficacy Beliefs and Their Conceptions of Photosythesis and Inheritance,” Journal of Elementary Science Education, pp. 1–14, 2002, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: 0.