On Nori s obstruction to universal bundles

Coşkun, Emre
Lemire, Nicole
Let G be SLn, Sp2n or SO2n. We consider the moduli space M of semistable principal G-bundles over a curve X. Our main result is that if U is a Zariski open subset of M then there is no universal bundle on U × X.
Journal of the Ramanujan Mathematical Society


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Kaya, Celalettin; Önsiper, Mustafa Hurşit; Department of Mathematics (2005)
In this thesis, we study the problem of lifting fibrations on surfaces in characteristic p, to characteristic zero. We restrict ourselves mainly to the case of natural fibrations on surfaces with Kodaira dimension -1 or 0. We determine whether such a fibration lifts to characteristic zero. Then, we try to find the smallest ring over which a lifting is possible. Finally,in some favourable cases, we compare the moduli of liftings of the fibration to the moduli of liftings of the surface under consideration.
Some finite-dimensional backward shift-invariant subspaces in the ball and a related factorization problem
Alpay, D; Kaptanoglu, HT (2000-12-15)
Beurling's theorem characterizes subspaces of the Hardy space invariant under the forward-shift operator in terms of inner functions. In this Note we consider the case where the ball replaces the open unit desk and the reproducing kernel Hilbert space with reproducing kernel 1/(1-Sigma (N)(1) a(j)w(j)*) replaces the Hardy space. We give explicit formulas which generalize Blaschke products in the case of spaces of finite codimension. (C) 2000 Academie des sciences/Editions scientifiques et medicales Elsevier...
BASKAL, S; ERIS, A; SATIR, A (1994-12-19)
The symmetries and associated conservation laws of the SO(2,1) invariant non-linear sigma model equations in 1+1 dimensions are investigated. An infinite family of generalized local symmetries is presented and the uniqueness of these solutions is discussed.
Citation Formats
E. Coşkun and N. Lemire, “On Nori s obstruction to universal bundles,” Journal of the Ramanujan Mathematical Society, pp. 359–376, 2010, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: https://hdl.handle.net/11511/82331.