Pre service science teachers common mistakes in lesson plans

Atasoy, Volkan
Çakıroğlu, Jale


Pre service EFL Teachers Beliefs on Learner Autonomy based on Practicum Experiences
Başaran, Banu Çiçek; Gümüşok, Fatma; Bekereci, Melike (2015-05-26)
Pre service science teachers knowledge attitudes and ethical approaches regarding biotechnology
Ateş, Hüseyin; Çakıroğlu, Jale (2015-09-04)
Biotechnology which is the fastest growing and most rapidly changing technology in the twenty-first century (Ravi, Baunthiyal, & Saxena, 2014). Even if biotechnology has great importance within the sciences, it is not still prominent field in the scope of science education (Borgerding, Sadler & Koroly, 2013). The purpose of this study was to investigate pre-service science teachers’ (PST) content knowledge, attitude and ethical approach regarding biotechnology. A total of 275 PST attending to faculty of edu...
Pre service science teachers misconceptions about density and buoyancy
Demirci, Sinem; Şen, Mehmet (2016-04-17)
Determining students’ difficulties has been one of the major concerns in science education. Educators in the late 1970s realized that students have some misconceptions. Correspondingly, researchers conducted studies to detect them. Similar to other disciplines, individuals have misconceptions about physical systems. Misconception studies generally focused on light, sound, electricity, force, and motion. However, limited studies were found about density and buoyancy. Since these physical concepts are importa...
Öğretmen Adaylarının Ders Kitabı Kullanımıyla İlgili Görüşleri
Kondakçı, Esen; Boz, Yezdan (2006-06-01)
Bu çalışmanın amacı fizik, kimya ve biyoloji öğretmen adaylarının ders kitabı hakkındaki görüşlerini belirlemek ve uygulama derslerinde ders kitabını nasıl kullandıklarını incelemektir. Çalışmaya Eğitim Fakülteleri’nin fizik, kimya ve biyoloji eğitimi programlarında öğrenim görmekte olan 125 öğretmen adayı katılmıştır. Araştırmacılar tarafından geliştirilen çoktan seçmeli sorulardan oluşan “Ders Kitabı Kullanımı Anketi” ile yarı-yapılandırılmış görüşmeler veri toplamak için kullanılmıştır. Verilerin analizi...
Pre service chemistry teachers expectations and experiences in the school experience course
Kırbulut, Zübeyde Demet; Boz, Yezdan; Kutucu, Elif Selcan (2012-01-01)
The purpose of this study is to investigate prospective chemistry teachers' expectations and experiences of teaching practice. Six (four females and two males) pre-service chemistry teachers taking a School Experience II course participated in the study. A case study design was employed. The data were collected from multiple sources including observations, lesson plans, and semi-structured interviews before and after the school experience course. Pre-service teachers' expectations and experiences were categ...
Citation Formats
V. Atasoy and J. Çakıroğlu, “Pre service science teachers common mistakes in lesson plans,” 2015, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: