Cevat Erder Armağanı



Cihad-ı Ekber (11 Kasım 1914)”,
Turan, Ömer (otto yayıncılık, 2021-11-01)
Representations of children in Kemalettin Tuğcu’s novels
Arıcan, Ebru; Erdoğan, Necmi; Department of Media and Cultural Studies (2006)
This thesis is an attempt to analyze the narrative structure of Kemalettin Tuğcu’s novels for children that became popular in the 1960s and the 1970s. It examines the representations of childhood, adulthood, orphanhood, richness and poverty in Tuğcu’s books through the relations between the child and the adult and the rich and the poor. The poor orphan child that is portrayed especially as “savior” and virtuous is the main character of Tuğcu’s novels. Socio-cultural hierarchies are represented primarily thr...
Thomas Hobbes'un Computatio Sivelogica’ sına dair genel notlar
Bağçe, Samet (null; 2019-12-31)
Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679) daha çok siyaset felsefesinden ötürü meşhur olarak addedilir her ne kadar John Watkins’in haklı olarak iddia ettiği gibi siyaset felsefesinin, onun tabiat felsefesinden türetilmiş olsa da. Oysa döneminin önemli olan felsefecilerinden Gottfried W. Leibniz’den (1646-1716) başka mantık alanında çok önemli değerlendirmeleri ve iddiaları olan felsefecidir. Kneale’ler (1971) çalışmasında 14. asrın sonundan 19. asrın ikinci yarısına kadar mantık alanında kayda değer hiçbir ilerlemenin olm...
The political discourse of Nihal Atsiz
Süslü, Hazal Dila; Erdoğan, Necmi; Department of Political Science and Public Administration (2019)
This thesis examines the political discourse of Nihal Atsız (1905- 1975) who is a radical, racist and Turkist ideologue in Turkish nationalism. The main purpose of the thesis is to analyze whether Atsız’s discourse exhibits fascist features or not. Firstly, this thesis discusses the origins of Turkism and the general characteristics of Turkish nationalism until the 1970s in order to map Atsız’s position within Turkish nationalism. Secondly, the major themes in his discourse including race, racism, eugenics,...
Obituaries / Anma: Teoman Aktüre Fahrettin Tolun Deniz Şengel
Pamir, Haluk; Cengizkan, Ali; Üstünkök, Okan; Balamir, Aydan (Middle East Technical University, 2009)
Citation Formats
A. U. Peker, Cevat Erder Armağanı. 2003.