Thomas Hobbes'un Computatio Sivelogica’ sına dair genel notlar

Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679) daha çok siyaset felsefesinden ötürü meşhur olarak addedilir her ne kadar John Watkins’in haklı olarak iddia ettiği gibi siyaset felsefesinin, onun tabiat felsefesinden türetilmiş olsa da. Oysa döneminin önemli olan felsefecilerinden Gottfried W. Leibniz’den (1646-1716) başka mantık alanında çok önemli değerlendirmeleri ve iddiaları olan felsefecidir. Kneale’ler (1971) çalışmasında 14. asrın sonundan 19. asrın ikinci yarısına kadar mantık alanında kayda değer hiçbir ilerlemenin olmadığını iddia ederler. Ama bu dönemdeki yapılmış çalışmalara bakıldığında, daha önceden birbirlerinden ayrı ve farklı disiplinler olarak değerlendirilen iki disiplinin, matematiğin ve mantığın ilişkilerine dair oldukça zengin tartışmaların var olduğunu fark edilecektir. Bu yazı, Hobbes’un computatio sive logica’da dile getirdiklerini, Kneale’lerin iddiasına karşı kısa bir tanıtma çalışmasıdır.
IX. Mantık Çalıştayı (2019)


The question of freedom in political philosophies of thomas hobbes and jean-jacques rousseau
Yiğit, Pervin; Turan, ŞHalil; Department of Philosophy (2007)
This thesis aims to examine the question of freedom in its relation to political authority in social contract theories of Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679) and Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778). In order to do that, discussions on human nature, evolution into political association and the foundations of legitimate governments are focused on. As the social contract theories of Hobbes and Rousseau mainly seek for rational justification of political obligation, the primary aim of this thesis is to analyze the nature o...
Human nature, ethics and politics in the philosophies of Thomas Hobbes and Immanuel Kant
Yağanak, Eray; Turan, Şeref Halil; Department of Philosophy (2013)
The aim of this study is to make a comparison between Thomas Hobbes’ and Immanuel Kant’s theories of human nature, ethics and politics. This thesis defends the arguments of Kant’s republican political theory against the claims raised by Hobbes. In this thesis, I shall argue that Hobbes’ empiricist/mechanistic understanding of human nature cannot provide freedom of action for human beings within his ethical and political theory. In contrast to Hobbes, I shall defend the thesis that Kant’s understanding of hu...
Thomas Hobbes and Carl Schmitt on the tension between sovereign and law
Ünlü, Özlem; Turan, Şeref Halil; Department of Philosophy (2018)
This thesis aims at developing an understanding of the vital role that the political decision plays in the tension between sovereign and law through an examination of the constitutional theories of Thomas Hobbes and Carl Schmitt. In Schmitt’s classic work Dictatorship of 1921, the sovereign decision derives its legitimacy from its norm-preserving power, whereas in Political Theology appeared in 1922, it legitimizes itself on basis of the norm-giving power. In The Concept of the Political, the decision on wh...
Heidegger’s fundamental ontology as a political project
Soysal, Zühtücan; Karademir, Aret; Department of Philosophy (2016)
Martin Heidegger’s fundamental ontology has long been debated in relation to Heidegger’s personal political affiliations with National Socialism, and there is a wide scope of interpretations as to whether his thought is essentially linked to the Nazi ideology. The customary way of reading the Heideggerian corpus within this context is to investigate whether or not the fundamental ontology yields a discriminatory political stance in favor of Germans over the rest of the people (or a group of them), and both ...
The value of sociability in Rousseau, Hegel, and Nietzsche
Karatekeli, Emre; Turan, Şeref Halil; Department of Philosophy (2021-5)
This thesis investigates the political philosophies of Rousseau, Hegel, and Nietzsche, as regards the relation between sociability and freedom. Firstly, I argue that Rousseau’s fundamental view undergoes a drastic shift in that while in the Second Discourse he regards the human being as essentially individualistic, in the Social Contract he dismisses egoism and argues for the establishment of sociability in the name of general will to materialise human freedom. Secondly, I discuss how Hegel proves the neces...
Citation Formats
S. Bağçe, “Thomas Hobbes’un Computatio Sivelogica’ sına dair genel notlar,” Mardin, Türkiye, 2019, p. 61, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: