Great Student Exchange Project of Turkey Experiences and Perceptions of University Students from the Turkic Republics

Orta Asya ve Kafkasya Çalışmaları


Long-run relationships among inflation, money growth, exchange rates and budget deficit in Turkey
Saygılı, Mesut; Özmen, Erdal; Department of Economics (1998)
First Stage in The Construction Of METU Turkish English Exam Corpus METU TEEC
Hatipoğlu, Çiler (2013-06-01)
This paper presents and discusses the first stages in the construction of the Middle East Technical University Turkish English Exam Corpus (METU TEEC), which has been compiled by a research team at Middle East Technical University (METU), Ankara, Turkey. The corpus consists of 1914 Linguistics and ELT exam papers (955483 words in total) written in timed circumstances with no access to reference material by the students at the Foreign Language Education (FLE) department at METU, Ankara between January 2005 a...
Rapid Growth of Psychology Programs in Turkey: Undergraduate Curriculum and Structural Challenges
Sümer, Nebi (SAGE Publications, 2016-01-01)
Similar to the other developing countries, undergraduate psychology programs in Turkish universities have rapidly grown in the last two decades. Although this sharp increment signifies the need for psychologists, it has also caused a number of challenges for effective teaching of psychology. The department chairs (N = 42) were interviewed with an online survey, and the course catalogs of 56 psychology departments were reviewed to assess the state of the undergraduate curriculum and the major challenges in t...
Long Memory in Turkish Unemployment Rates
Alberiko Gil-Alana, Luis; ÖZDEMİR, ZEYNEL ABİDİN; Tansel, Aysıt (2019-01-01)
In this article we have examined the unemployment rate series in Turkey by using long memory models and in particular employing fractionally integrated techniques. Our results suggest that unemployment in Turkey is highly persistent, with orders of integration equal to or higher than 1 in the majority of the cases. This implies lack of mean reversion and persistence of the shocks. We found evidence in favor of mean reversion in the case of female unemployment and this happens for all the groups of non-agric...
Many Faces of Post Soviet Islam in Central Asia Blurred Boundaries New Approaches
Köksal, Pınar (null; 2004-10-17)
Citation Formats
P. Köksal and C. Engin Demir, “Great Student Exchange Project of Turkey Experiences and Perceptions of University Students from the Turkic Republics,” Orta Asya ve Kafkasya Çalışmaları, pp. 1–22, 2016, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: