Reflections of European Self-Images in Ottoman Mirrors



Reflections of The World during the Covid-19 Pandemic On the Lives of Immigrants
Zırh, Besim Can (2020-12-01)
Immigrants are at the center of the debates on the possible consequences of the Covid-19 global pandemic. Measures to limit human mobility created an important awareness concerning international or national mobile/migrant seasonal workers and refugees (we will be using the term immigrant throughout the article) on a global scale. This unexpected pause in the mobility of millions of immigrants showed how regions of the world that appeared to be separated from each other by deep inequalities ...
Traces of the unconscious in language
Bilik, M. Zuhal; Hekimoğlu, Eylül Ceren; Gençöz, Faruk (2021-01-31)
The significance of language in clinical practice first emerged with the Anna O. case, a study by Freud. Lacan went on to support Freud’s findings. Through the Back to Freud movement, Lacan proved language to be crucial from theoretical and clinical perspectives. According to Lacan, the name of the father in the language used by the mother functions as a signifier for the mother’s desire. It corresponds to the first repression and enters the symbolic register. It refers to Lacan’s famous statement ‘Unconsci...
Reflections of Conservatism and Nostalgia in Yahya Kemal Beyatlı and Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar’s Representation of Istanbul
Çankaya, Ercan; Beşpınar Akgüner, Fatma Umut; Department of Media and Cultural Studies (2015)
The aim of this study is to investigate Istanbul nostalgia in texts and poems by Yahya Kemal Beyatlı and Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar. The nostalgia of Istanbul in texts belonging to these two intellectuals is closely connected with their conservative thinking style. Therefore, this study will be separated into two main parts. The first part of the study will focus on the appearance of conservatism in Turkey as a thinking style and a result of the East and the West issue. It will be determined in which points Beyat...
Traces of Unconscious in Language
BİLİK, MÜNEVVER ZUHAL; Hekimoğlu, Eylül Ceren; Gençöz, Faruk (2021-01-01)
Reflections Upon The Great Theatre At Ephesus
Parsons, Peter W. (Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, 1989)
Efes kentinin tarihi boyunca geçirdiği dönüşümlere baktığımızda tiyatro dışındaki diğer kurumsal-sembolik yapıların zaman içinde değiştiğini, terkedildiğini, unutulduğunu ya da yakılıp yıkıldığını görüyoruz. Kent yaşamının sürdüğü tüm dönemlerde önemini hiç yitirmeyen bu görkemli tiyatro, mimari yapıların, nasıl yüzyıllara meydan okuyup sürekliliğini koruyabildiği sorusunu tartışmak açısından son derece öğretici. Bu tarihsel süreklilik/geçerlilik sorusu karşısında Vitruvius'un üçlemesinden kaynaklanan açıkl...
Citation Formats
A. Çırakman Deveci, Reflections of European Self-Images in Ottoman Mirrors. 2007, p. 31.