75 Yılda Tebadan Yurttaşa



75 Yılda Genişleyen Katılım ve Sorunlu Demokrasi
Ayata, Ayşe (1998-01-01)
75. Yılda Türkiye'de Planlama, Kentleşme, Koruma Politikaları ve Mimarlık Forumu
Keskinok, Hüseyin Çağatay (1999-01-15)
Akyaka after 25 years: spatial and conceptual re-readings in architectural discourse
Batırbek, Canay; Cengizkan, Ali; Department of Architecture (2010)
In this study, it is aimed to explore Akyaka’s self-generated practice and its route of progress with the definitions of place. As the ignorance of Akyaka -as an unconventional body characterized with Nail Çakırhan’s Aga Khan Award winner traditional type of house in 1983- by the conventional architectural discourse prevents learning from it. Therefore, the research will focus on Akyaka’s distinctive story which is taking its references from a place and producing the place of its own, out of the boundaries ...
15 Yılın Birikimi: docomomo-tr.org
Altan, Tomris Elvan; Salman, Sakine Yıldız (null; 2018-03-20)
80. Yılında Türk Harf İnkılabı Uluslararası Sempozyumu
Çelik, Birten (2008-01-01)
Citation Formats
A. Ayata, 75 Yılda Tebadan Yurttaşa. 1998.