The objectives of disaster education from teachers perspectives

Erdur Baker, Özgür
Kasapoğlu, Koray


The objectives of disaster education from teachers perspectives
Erdur Baker, Özgür; YILMAZ, ELANUR (2015-03-01)
This study aims to examine teachers’ judgments on the objectives of disaster education regarding basic three aspects; clarity, measurability and attainability. A 3-point Likert-type scale was developed, and completed by 142 teachers who participated in several in-service trainings about disaster education. Descriptive statistics were carried out to analyze the data. Results of this study revealed that there was no single objective that teachers perceived as clear, measurable and attainable at one hundred pe...
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Citation Formats
Ö. Erdur Baker and K. Kasapoğlu, “The objectives of disaster education from teachers perspectives,” 2013, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: