Comparison Of Recent Past And Present States Of Turkish Shallow Lakes By Using Cladocera Sub Fossil Remainings

Sual, Saygın
Çakıroğlu, İdil
Levi, Eti
Bezirci, Gizem
Beklioğlu, Meryem
Order Cladocera (small crustaceans) has an important place in lake ecosystems as they are both consumers of primary producers and prey for larger predator species. As a result, their abundance is a strong indicator of ecological conditions in a lake at a certain time. Cladocera body parts, such as headshields, shells, etc.) are largely silica based and can be preserved inside the lake sediment for long periods of time. Sedimentary sub-fossil records of Cladocera remains allow us to understand past and more recent conditions. Our aim is to determine changes in lake ecological status over time by using abundances of Cladocera sub-fossils at top (present) and bottom(recent past) centimeters of the sediment cores taken from 28 shallow lakes of Turkey. Comparison of the recent past and present states were carried out using Similarity/Dissimilarity Analysis. Furthermore the results were assesed exploring the changes took place in a specific lake through time.
3rd Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Symposium (31 Ağustos - 01 Eylül 2016)


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Citation Formats
S. Sual, İ. Çakıroğlu, E. Levi, G. Bezirci, and M. Beklioğlu, “Comparison Of Recent Past And Present States Of Turkish Shallow Lakes By Using Cladocera Sub Fossil Remainings,” presented at the 3rd Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Symposium (31 Ağustos - 01 Eylül 2016), Ankara, Türkiye, 2016, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: