Web İçeriklerinin Metin Temelli Çözümlemesi



An Approach for automated verification of web applications using model checking and replaying the scenarios of counterexamples
Paçin, Yudum; Betin Can, Aysu; Department of Information Systems (2015)
The increase in the use of web applications in various domains, raised the importance of the methodologies for verification of web applications. We propose a framework for the verification of web applications with respect to access control, link consistency and reachability properties using model checking. In this approach, users define the properties by explanatory guidance of user interface. The execution traces that lead to a property violation is translated to a script that automates the replaying of th...
Transcoding web pages for energy saving on the client-side
Ahmed, Eda Koksal; Yeşilada Yılmaz, Yeliz; Sustainable Environment and Energy Systems (2016-2)
Mobile devices are essential to everyday life in order to have access to information everywhere. However, browsing web pages can be inconvenient on these devices because of the various constraints, such as limited battery size, processing power and device memory. As a result of these limitations, while browsing a web page, the battery of the mobile devices is drained. To solve this inconvenience and save energy while browsing, this thesis presents transcoding techniques that can be applied to web pages with...
Web uygulamalarinda dolasim ve erisim kontrolü hatalarinin tespiti ve yeniden canlandirilmasi
Paçin, Yudum; Betin Can, Aysu (2015-01-01)
Energy efficient mobile web via scripts&stylesheets based transcoding
Ünlü, Hüseyin; Yeşilada Yılmaz, Yeliz; Sustainable Environment and Energy Systems (2019-1)
Mobile devices have become essential in our daily lives and the requirements of the mobile platform are increasing everyday. Although mobile devices nowadays are technically much more stronger than the desktops in the past and their battery capacity is increasing at around 3% per year, they still have some limitations in terms of battery size, processing power and device memory. These limitations have effects on browsing web pages since they are not totally designed for mobile use and it takes more power th...
Web uygulamalarında dolaşım ve erişim kontrolü hatalarının tespiti ve yeniden canlandırılması
Yudum, Paçin; Betin Can, Aysu (CEUR-WS; 2015-09-11)
Bu çalışmada, dinamik web uygulamalarındaki dolaşım ve erişim hatalarına yol açan senaryoların tespiti ve otomatik olarak canlandırılması için bir araç sunulmaktadır. Sunulan yöntemde ilk olarak verilen web uygulamasının modeli, AJAX tabanlı web uygulamalarını analiz edebilen, web crawler araçları yardımıyla çıkartılmaktadır. Daha sonra, model, web crawler’a olan bağımlılığı azaltmak ve kullanıcılara çıkartılan modeller üzerinde değişiklik yapma imkanı vermek için oluşturulan ara modelleme diline çevrilmekt...
Citation Formats
T. Çomu, Web İçeriklerinin Metin Temelli Çözümlemesi. 2014, p. 87.