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Detection and Classification of Volcanic Earthquakes/Tremors in Central Anatolian Volcanic Province
Kahraman, Metin
Özacar, Atilla Arda
Tank, Sabri Bülent
Uslular, Göksu
Kuşcu, Gonca
Türkelli, Niyazi
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Central Anatolia has been characterized by active volcanism since ∼10 Ma which created the so called CentralAnatolia Volcanic Province (CAVP) where a series of volcanoes are located along the NE-SW trend. Thepetrological investigations reveal that the magma source in the CAVP has both subduction and asthenosphericsignature possibly due to tearing of ongoing northward subduction of African plate along Aegean and Cyprusarcs. Recently, a temporary seismic array was deployed within the scope of Continental Dynamics: CentralAnatolian Tectonics (CD-CAT) project and provided a unique opportunity to study the deep seismic signature ofthe CAVP. Passive seismic imaging efforts and magnetotellurics (MT) observations revealed low velocity and highconductivity zones supporting the presence of localized partial melt bodies beneath the CAVP at varying depths,especially around Mt. Hasan which exhibits both geological and archeological evidences for its eruption around7500 B.C. In Central Anatolia, local seismicity detected by the CD-CAT array coincides well with the activefaults zones. However, active or potentially active volcanoes within CAVP are characterized by the lack of seismicactivity. In this study, seismic data recorded by permanent stations of Regional Earthquake-Tsunami MonitoringCenter were combined with temporary seismic data collected by the CD-CAT array to improve sampling densityacross the CAVP. Later, the continuous seismic waveforms of randomly selected time intervals were manuallyanalyzed to identify initially undetected seismic sources which have signal characters matching to volcanicearthquakes/tremors. For candidate events, frequency spectrums are constructed to classify the sources accordingto their physical mechanisms. Preliminary results support the presence of both volcano-tectonic (VT) and low-period (LT) events within the CAVP. In the next stage, the spectral and polarization analyses techniques will beutilized to the entire seismic database to detect and classify the seismic source associated to volcanism, and iden-tified events will be relocated and jointly interpreted with subsurface features detected by seismic imaging and MT.
Subject Keywords
Volcanic Earthquakes
Central Anatolia Volcanic Province
Seismic Imaging
Conference Name
European Geosciences UnionGeneral Assembly 2017 (23 - 28 Nisan 2017)
Department of Geological Engineering, Conference / Seminar
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Citation Formats
M. Kahraman, A. A. Özacar, S. B. Tank, G. Uslular, G. Kuşcu, and N. Türkelli, “Detection and Classification of Volcanic Earthquakes/Tremors in Central Anatolian Volcanic Province,” presented at the European Geosciences UnionGeneral Assembly 2017 (23 - 28 Nisan 2017), Viyana, Avusturya, 2017, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: