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Güvenilirlik analiz metodunun köprülere uygulanması (Applicaton of the reliability methods to bridges)
Akgül, Ferhat
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Günümüzde köprülerin yapısal değerlendirmesi konusunda ilerleme kaydetmiş olan ülkelerde köprülerin yapısal analizinde güvenilirlik metodlarının kullanımı gün geçtikçe artmaktadır. Ülkemizdeki köprüler ağır yüklere maruz bırakılmakta ve buna ilaveten bu köprülerin yetersiz onarım ve bakım uygulamaları ile uzun süre hizmet vermesi beklenmektedir. Bu çalışmada Ankara il sınırları içinde 1969 yılında T.C. Karayolları tarafından yapılmış olan Peçenek Köprüsü’nün dizayn yükü ve yıkılmasına sebep olan taşıt yükü arasındaki ilişki güvenilirlik analiz metoduna göre incelenmiştir.
Conference Name
Proceedings of the XV. UMK-Ulusal Mekanik Kongresi Bildiriler (National Mechanics Congress), Teorik ve Uygulamalı Türk Milli Komitesi, (5 - 09 Eylül 2007)
Department of Engineering Sciences, Conference / Seminar
Seismic performance of multisimple span skew bridges retrofitted with link slabs
Sevgili, Gizem; Caner, Alp; Department of Civil Engineering (2007)
Investigation of more than seventy highway bridges revealed that multisimple-span skew bridges with expansion joints were very common in Turkish practice. The expansion joints, used to provide deck expansion against shrinkage, creep and thermal effects, create costly maintenance problems due to leaked water, impact loads and accumulated debris in the joints. Therefore, elimination of expansion joints decreases the maintenance cost for the bridges. Reinforced concrete link slabs provide continuity at the dec...
Effect of skew on live load distribution in integral bridges
Erol, Mehmet Ali; Dicleli, Murat; Department of Engineering Sciences (2009)
Structural analysis of highway bridges using complicated 3-D FEMs to determine live load effects in bridge components is possible due to the readily available computational tools in design offices. However, building such complicated 3-D FEMs is tedious and time consuming. Accordingly, most design engineers prefer using simplified 2-D structural models of the bridge and live load distribution equations (LLDEs) available in current bridge design codes to determine live load effects in bridge components. Basic...
Seismic performance assessment of reinforced concrete overpass bridges with nonlinear analyses
Cantürk, Tolga; Baran, Eray; Department of Civil Engineering (2022-2)
In this study, seismic performance assessment of reinforced concrete overpass bridges located along the currently under construction Kınalı-Tekirdağ-Çanakkale-Savaştepe Highway was conducted. Overpass bridges consisted of two-span precast concrete girders and reinforced concrete cast-in-place circular cross section columns. Because of proximity to active faults detailed seismic investigation of the region had already been conducted and site-specific seismic design spectrums had been developed. Structural de...
Seismic vulnerability of masonry structures in Turkey
Ceran, Hasan Burak; Erberik, Murat Altuğ; Department of Civil Engineering (2010)
This study focuses on the evaluation of seismic safety of masonry buildings in Turkey by using fragility curves. Fragility curves for masonry buildings are generated by two behavior modes for load bearing walls: in-plane and out-of-plane. By considering the previous research and site investigations, four major parameters have been used in order to classify masonry buildings with in-plane behavior mode. These are number of stories, strength of load-bearing wall material, regularity in plan and the arrangemen...
Live load reliability index evaluation for post tensioned balanced cantilever bridges
Çakır, Berk Bora; Caner, Alp; Department of Civil Engineering (2015)
The purpose of this study is to determine the level of safety of the segmental post tensioned bridges designed according to AASHTO LRFD. Main span lengths are 90, 120, 150, 180 are studied in this paper. Four types of trucks are used; H30-S24T and L (currently be in use to design bridges in Turkey), HL-93(AASHTO), KGM-45 (is a new type of load consisting both axle load and lane load). Statistical parameters of truck loads are determined according to the data gathered from the Division of Transportation and ...
Citation Formats
F. Akgül, “Güvenilirlik analiz metodunun köprülere uygulanması (Applicaton of the reliability methods to bridges),” presented at the Proceedings of the XV. UMK-Ulusal Mekanik Kongresi Bildiriler (National Mechanics Congress), Teorik ve Uygulamalı Türk Milli Komitesi, (5 - 09 Eylül 2007), Isparta, Turkey, 2007, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: