Understanding of urban public space in terms of social relations

Devellioğlu, Zeynep


Understanding the role of urban design in the place attachment of children
Severcan, Yücel Can (2016-10-01)
Haset ve Psikopatoloji İlişkisinin Film Örnekleriyle Ele Alınması
Canbolat, Fazilet (Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi (Ankara, Turkey), 2014-6-1)
“Haset” bireyin kendisinde olmayan ve bir başka kişinin sahip olduğu bir özelliği arzulaması ve malum kişinin bu özellikten yoksun olmasını dilemesi olarak tanımlanır (Parrot & Smith, 1993). Melanie Klien (1957), anne göğsünün hasedin asıl ilgi odağı ve başlangıç noktası olduğunu ileri sürer; zira meme bazen paylaşılan ancak çoğu zaman geri çekilen bir nesne olmakla birlikte bebeğin kendine ait veya kontrolü altında değildir. Anne ismindeki sahibin dilerse bu süt ve sevgi kaynağını kendine saklayabilec...
Analysis of alternative rock scene through feminist standpoint
Bostancı Kutlu, Elif Cere; Ecevit, Fatma Yıldız; Department of Gender and Women's Studies (2020)
Music, as a social field, is affected by the patriarchal practices which are relevant in society. As an outcome of these practices: the knowledge regarding women’s experiences is being transmitted either insufficiently or distorted, which harms the gender equality both in the music scene and society. This study, fundamentally asks an overarching question such as: How do women’s experiences get constituted in the alternative rock scene? Additionally, with subquestions study examines that: How do women’s expe...
Understanding perceptions regarding the aesthetics of urban public space: Tunalı Hilmi Street, Ankara
Pehlivanoğlu, Yonca; Akkar Ercan, Zübeyde Müge; Department of City and Regional Planning (2011)
Urban aesthetics has been the concern of many academic researches, and there have been now more than hundred definitions of urban aesthetics. It is crucial to understand that aesthetics is more than just about the form and physical qualities of a place. Likewise, urban aesthetics is not only the concerns of academics, but also the concern of urbanites of cities and daily users of urban space. It is therefore important to understand what daily users of cities understand from the concept of urban aesthetics a...
Understanding consumer innovativeness via theory of goal directed behavior: an investigation of factors affecting adoption of online games
Baybaş, Gülnur; Yılmaz, Cengiz; Department of Business Administration (2015)
This study aims to analyze the factors behind adoption of online games, using a theoretical foundation based mostly on the theory of goal-directed behavior and diffusion of innovations model. Factors affecting the adoption behavior are determined on the basis of the goal directed behavior theory, and differences between adopter categories of online game buyers are investigated by applying Rogers’ diffusion of innovations (DOI) theory. Online survey was conducted to reach target group by using social media a...
Citation Formats
Z. Devellioğlu, “Understanding of urban public space in terms of social relations,” Middle East Technical University, 1995.