Sürü Halinde Uçan Mikro Hava Araçları için Akışkanlar Mekaniği Tabanlı GüzergahBelirleme Yöntemi



Design of a low-costs warm robotic system for flocking
Demir, Çağrı Ata; Turgut, Ali Emre; Department of Mechanical Engineering (2019)
Swarm robotics is an approach to the coordination of large numbers of robots. The main motivation of this thesis is to study a robotic system designed to do flocking both indoors and outdoors. A walking robot is designed parallel to this purpose. In the first part of thesis, a leg is designed to minimize the displacement of center of mass of robot in vertical axis to eliminate mechanical noise. Mechanism analysis and Matlab optimization tools are utilized in this process. Then, electronic components of robo...
Sürü Robotlar için Minyatür Piezo Elektrik Tabanlı Tutucu Geliştirilmesi
Turgut, Ali Emre(2016-12-31)
Sürü robot sistemleri son yıllarda önemi artan ve üzerine birçok araştırmalar yapılan bir konudur. Sürü robot sistemlerinin en büyük eksikliği biyolojik örneklerinde olan cisimleri tutabilme ve taşıyabilme yetenekleridir. Bu projede tasarlanmaya başlanılan bir sürü robot sisteminde (AttaBot) kullanılmak üzere minyatür piezo elektrik tabanlı tutucu geliştirilecektir. Analitik yöntemlerle farklı tasarımlar yapılacak ve Comsol ortamında bilgisayar benzetimleri gerçekleştirlecektir. En uygun tasarım robotlara e...
Two Essays on Herding
Tekel, Onur; Şendeniz Yüncü, İlkay; Department of Business Administration (2023-2)
This thesis examines the herding behavior within the banking and the mutual fund industries. It highlights the existence of herding, its potential reasons, and its effects on the industry dynamics. A review of the herding behavior literature is provided in the first chapter. In the second chapter, we analyze herding in lending decisions. Using loan data from 30 commercial banks, the presence of herding in cash credit lending decisions is investigated first, followed by the effects of herding on bank perform...
Design and implementation of coupled inductor Cuk converter operating in continuous conduction mode
Ayhan, Mustafa Tufan; Ersak, Aydın; Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (2011)
The study involves the following stages: First, coupled-inductor and integrated magnetic structure used in Cuk converter circuit topologies are analyzed and the necessary information about these elements in circuit design is gathered. Also, benefits of using these magnetic elements are presented. Secondly; steady-state model, dynamic model and transfer functions of coupled-inductor Cuk converter topology are obtained via state-space averaging method. Third stage deals with determining the design criteria to...
Minimization of banded structure in spring steels by the optimization of continuous casting machine parameters
Akpınar, Mehmet; Kalkanlı, Ali; Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering (2019)
Leaf springs are one of the important components of suspension systems especially of light and heavy commercial vehicles. The plate products produced by spring steel qualities such as 51CrV4, 55Cr3, and 52CrMoV4 are often preferred by the leaf spring manufacturers. In continuous casting steelmaking, the segregation of the alloying elements such as C, Mn, Si into inter-dendritic regions during solidification causes different chemical composition in these regions compared to others. Depending on the chemical ...
Citation Formats
O. Uzol and İ. Yavrucuk, “Sürü Halinde Uçan Mikro Hava Araçları için Akışkanlar Mekaniği Tabanlı GüzergahBelirleme Yöntemi,” 2007, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: https://hdl.handle.net/11511/85896.