A new perspective to the growth of provinces and coutry : producer services

Türkan, Siyami


A Terror management perspective to system justification in disaster context: the case of earthquakes in Turkey
Doğulu, Canay; Sakallı Uğurlu, Nuray; Department of Psychology (2017)
There is a growing body of research that attests to study system justification theory from an applied perspective to understand how system justification processes operate in various social issues including disasters. This thesis aims to contribute to this line of research by addressing system justification in disaster context from a terror management perspective in the case of earthquakes in Turkey. The aim was to explore the social cognitive processes underlying perceptions of and reactions to earthquakes ...
A New ontological approach to urban form: towards a model of heterarchy /
Temizel, Ensar; Bilsel, Fatma Cânâ; Sargın, Güven Arif; Department of Architecture (2014)
This thesis focuses on the ontology of urban form in order to develop a strategy to explore the formal capacities of the elements of urban environments. Through an analysis of the structural logic behind the systems of hierarchy and heterarchy with regard to the set theory, it argues that the tree model is inadequate for this endeavor with its highly rigid, genealogical binary structure. Hence, it proposes that the set-dependent tree model based on principles of hierarchy should be abandoned in favor of a s...
A critical overview of the East Asian development : the cases of miraculous East Asian economies and China
Yalçınkaya, Meryem Nergis; Yalman, Osman Galip; Department of Political Science and Public Administration (2006)
East Asia has been one of the most important regions in the global economic system. In this thesis, the East Asian miracle and the success of China’s transition are studied by overviewing the literature. The East Asian economies had experienced sustainable rapid growth from the 1960s to the end of 1990s, until the Asian crisis in 1997. China started her transition from the central planning system at the end of the 1970s. Since the transition began, China has grown at rates even higher than developed countri...
A Qualitative Approach to Who Takes Care of the Old and Sick Family Member: Turkey and South Korea Context
Karasu, Rojda Özden; Ölçel , Wen Chi; Department of Asian Studies (2023-2-4)
According to Choi and Hwang, in Asian countries, particularly South Korea, there is a strong desire for having a son (Choi, Hwang, 2020:628). Turkey on the other hand is not different at all. Altındağ argues Turkey is also a son favoured country with a proverb that goes; “A manly man shall have a son”, the saying in Turkish is; "Erkek adamın erkek çocuğu olur” (Altındağ, 2016:2). Both having patriarchal societies, it is not surprising that the parents expect their son, especially their oldest son and his wi...
A functional perspective on examining the mathematical teacher talk in a multilingual secondary classroom
Celebi-Ilhan, E. Gul (2012-07-04)
This paper draws on social semiotics, and functional perspective of language to analyze teacher participation into the social practice/activity of mathematical meaning making in a multilingual secondary classroom. According to these perspectives, language is taken as discourse and is used to make meanings where exchange of meanings takes place between the participants of the social practice. I present an analysis of a mathematical text to reveal the functions fulfilled by teacher talk/discourse in construct...
Citation Formats
S. Türkan, “A new perspective to the growth of provinces and coutry : producer services,” Middle East Technical University, 1996.