Gençlik, AB ve Zıt Hisler: Bedenini İsterim ama Ruhunu Asla



Teenage girls' life coach : a comparative and critical analysis of İpek Ongun trilogy of good manners and personal growth
Akün, Selen; Aslan Akman, Canan; Department of Gender and Women's Studies (2005)
In this thesis, İpek Ongun̕s three books on good manners and etiquette, which especially aim at teenage girls, are analyzed in detail. Born in 1943, Ongun is a popular Turkish writer in teenage literature who has sold over a million books since 1980s. It is necessary to investigate especially the cultural, social and aesthetic messages given in her books. The writer̕s non-fiction trilogy has been extremely influential on teenage girls in Turkey in the 1990s, and they still are. These are Bir Pırıltıdır Yaşa...
The bargain between young women's labour and capital an unemployment analysis through state, labour market and family
Sarıtaş, Canet Tuba; Ecevit, Fatma Yıldız; Department of Sociology (2010)
The unemployed is not nonsexual. Rather, the sexuality of unemployed is socially constructed. The unemployed both young and female do not struggle equally with unemployed both young and male for open positions in the labour market. On the one hand, unemployed young woman seeks a job through the criteria determined in a way that it shall not constitute any challenge for the dominance of men and capital due to the roles provided to herself within society. On the other, by his/her hiring and firing practices, ...
Barriers encountered by young lesbian and bisexual women in accessing health care services: the case of Turkey
Coşar, Pına; Özçoban Üstüner, Fahriye; Department of Social Policy (2020)
The purpose of this study is to explore the barriers encountered by bisexual and lesbian women in accessing health care services and, more specifically, sexual and reproductive health care services. The research also explores if bisexual and lesbian women can live their sexual orientation safely and freely (as an indicator of their psychological well-being), which health care services they need concerning sexual and reproductive health, which factors they consider while choosing their health care providers,...
Gençlerin Gelecek Beklentilerinde Sosyal Hareketlilik ve Zenginleşme Tahayyülleri
Kalaycıoğlu, Hediye Sibel(2017-12-31)
Son 20 yıldır Türkiye’de Gençlik üzerine yapılan kapsamlı pek çok araştırmanın sonuçları, gençliğin yükselme konusundaki beklentilerinde “para” ya verdiği önem tezini destekler niteliktedir. Bu araştırmalarda ortak sonuç olarak gençler gelecek için rahat ve konforlu bir hayat düşlemekte, en çok parasızlıktan ve işsizlikten korktuklarını belirtmektedirler. Önerilen araştırma ile görece daha donanımlı olan üniversite gençliğinin gelecek ufkunda yükselme ve zenginliğin nasıl tahayyül edilmekte olduğu anlaşılm...
Saktanber, Ayşe Nur; Beşpınar Akgüner, Fatma Umut (null, 2016-01-01)
Citation Formats
M. Şen, Gençlik, AB ve Zıt Hisler: Bedenini İsterim ama Ruhunu Asla. 2005.