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A review on assessment of technological pedagogical content knowledge for pre-service science teachers
Şahin, Elvan
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Science education has been viewed as an agent that could provide both teachers and students some experience in using various technologies. Recent developments in science and technology has resulted in new tools and some knowledge base to be taught. Science teachers are required to transform scientific information through suitable pedagogical methods with the advantages of technology in their classes. In this aspect, science teachers’ knowledge of science content and teaching methods, and their knowledge of how technology could promote science learning play crucial role in describing their technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK). Furthermore, usage of technology with appropriate pedagogy in science classes has been advocated to facilitate students’ engagement in scientific inquiry, constructing science knowledge, and problem-solving skills. Similarly, teaching with technology facilitates the delivery of information and transfer of materials to students. A high level of TPACK may offer more economic and practical science teaching for science teachers. In this aspect, the present study could be seen as an attempt to evaluate the possible assessment tools in examining pre-service science teachers’ TPACK especially in recent years. The literature review showed that self-assessment survey studies were mainly used to assess various components of TPACK. Apart from survey assessments, rubrics that evaluate individual performance after TPACK-related lesson/task treatment were also utilized for measuring TPACK. Furthermore, using rubric to assess performance rather than survey items collected at any time from the pre-service teachers may assess their TPACK better in terms of practical environments and situations. There are also further tools measuring TPACK of pre-service teachers such as interviews, open-ended questionnaires, observation reports in microteaching video records etc. While addressing the most powerful tool for measuring TPACK of pre-service teachers, the answer lie within handling reliability and validity issues. To resolve such a complex issue, triangulation of different types of measurement tools may enhance the validity of TPACK measurement tools rather than using only Likert-type scale items to measure TPACK.
Subject Keywords
Preservice science teachers
Fen bilimleri öğretmen adayları
Conference Name
27th International Congress on Educational Sciences (ICES/UEBK-2018), 2018
Department of Secondary Science and Mathematics Education, Conference / Seminar
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Citation Formats
E. Şahin, “A review on assessment of technological pedagogical content knowledge for pre-service science teachers,” presented at the 27th International Congress on Educational Sciences (ICES/UEBK-2018), 2018, Antalya, Turkey, 2018, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: