Composite TiO2 films for single and bi-layer photoanodes for dye-sensitized solar cells

Erdoğan, Nursev
Park, Jongee
Öztürk, Abdullah


Composite polysaccharides and protein hydro-gels for controlled release applications: Formulation, characterization and release studies
Özel, Barış; Öztop, Halil Mecit; Aydın, Özlem; Department of Food Engineering (2023-1-26)
Hydrogels are highly hydrophilic polymer gels with macromolecular three-dimensional networks. They can swell by absorbing and retaining large amount of water without dissolving and losing their integrity. Polysaccharides and proteins are commonly used for designing hydrogels to be used in food applications. Encapsulating bioactive agents is one of the common uses of these gels. Composite gels in which one or two polymers are blended to modulate the physicochemical properties of the gels have gained interest...
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Yanmaz, Ali Melih (2001-06-01)
Bridge scour is an extremely complex phenomenon because of the random characteristics of sediment laden flow in close proximity to piers and abutments. This occurrence leads to high uncertainties and unavoidable risk in bridge pier and abutment design. In this study, a composite reliability model is developed for the reliability assessment of bridge pier scour using static resistance - loading interference. Based on the physical interpretation of the phenomenon and a statistical analysis of the available in...
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Composite reliability model for bridge pier scour
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Nano structural metal composites : synthesis, structural and thermal characterization
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In this work , metal functional polymers, namely Cr-PS-b-P2VP, Co-PS-b-P2VP, Au-PS-b-P2VP, Fe-PS-b-P2VP and Mo-PS-b-P2VP were prepared by thermal reaction of hexacarbonylchromium, Cr(CO)6, octacarbonyldicobalt,Co2(CO)8, hydrogentetrachloroaurate(III), H(AuCl4).4H2O, trichloroiron(III), FeCl3.6H2O, molybdenum(VI)oxide, MoO3 and PS-b-P2VP. TEM images indicated formation of AuIII, Cr and Co nanoparticles. On the other hand, crystalline structures were detected for Fe-PS-b-P2VP and Mo-PS-b-P2VP. Samples involvi...
Citation Formats
N. Erdoğan, J. Park, and A. Öztürk, “Composite TiO2 films for single and bi-layer photoanodes for dye-sensitized solar cells,” 2017, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: