Three residential settlements in Ankara: what strategies for an environment sensitive sustainable urbanization?

In Turkey, the urban extension that has gained new dimensions takes place in the form of a centrifugial development. The immediate consequences of this development are spatial fragmentation, social segregation and transfiguration of natural environment. In this perspective, three new residential settlements of Ankara -Batikent, Eryaman and Bilkent, created in different contexts and for diverse social groups- are studied with regard to the quality of environment and the question of residential identities. Underlying processes of the production of built environment call into question quality and sustainability of these newly created urban spaces.
Metropolis 2000 - Which Perspectives? Cities, Social Life and Sustainable Development: IAPS 16 Conference Proceedings, 2000


A History of the Development of Conservation Measures in Turkey: From The Mid 19th Century Until 2004
Kurul, Esra; Şahin Güçhan, Neriman (Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, 2009-01-01)
Bu makale, Avrupa Birliği’ne uyum sürecinde kapsamlı yasal ve yapısal dönüşümlere sahne olan Türkiye’de, özellikle 2004 yılındaki değişimlerin eşiğinde, Osmanlı’nın son döneminde gündeme gelen ve 2004 yılına kadarki süreçte evirilerek gelişen mimari ve kentsel koruma alanının yasal ve idari kurumlaşma çerçevesinin gelişimini tanımlamak ve mevcut duruma ilişkin bir ön değerlendirme yapmayı amaçlar.
Issues of sustainable development in logical and global context : the case of Muğla
Doğru, Evrim; Aktüre, Sevgi; Department of City and Regional Planning (2006)
The sustainable development concept has entered the urban planning agenda of Turkey mainly after Habitat II Conference held in Istanbul in 1996. Turkey is trying to adopt the experiences of developed countries to improve the planning system including the sustainable development criteria. In this study, planning experience of Muğla is selected as a case study to criticize and evaluate on the changing planning process of cities in Turkey in terms of sustainable development criteria, which requires new approac...
On the trajectory of urbanisation in Turkey - An attempt at periodisation
Şengül, Hüseyin Tarık (Liverpool University Press, 2003-05-01)
The main objective of this article is to provide a periodisation of the Turkish urban experience by dividing it into three distinct phases: the urbanisation of the state in the context of nation-state formation; the urbanisation of labour power in the context of rapid migration from rural areas; and finally the urbanisation of capital in the context of globalisation. The article argues that recent trends point to a striking socio-spatial polarisation as well as to fragmentation in the Turkish cities.
Determination of the rock mass characteristics and support systems of the new Ulus Tunnel, Ankara
Aksular, Irem; Doyuran, Vedat; Department of Geological Engineering (2008)
The New Ulus Tunnel will be constructed within the andesitic terrain at Hıdırlıktepe (Ankara). Excavation of the tunnel will be accomplished through blast and drill method. Emprical methods will be consulted during the design of the support systems as well as the slope of the portal rock face. Therefore it is essential to perform detailed rock mass characterization studies. In this thesis it is aimed to determine the rock mass characteristics in order to design the rock slope of the portals and to assess th...
Spatial memory of electrification in early republican capital, Ankara
Pelen, Övgü; Cengizkan, Ali; Department of Architecture (2008)
The search for the process of electrification in Turkey and how it is materialized in urban space in different scales in indoor and outdoor is the aim of this thesis. Looking for the effects of electrification by means of making a discursive analysis and taking into consideration the objects in substance, concerning the practice itself, and searching for the transformations in the urban space and in urban living are the main objectives of this research. Consequently, popular media will be the main source to...
Citation Formats
F. C. Bilsel, “Three residential settlements in Ankara: what strategies for an environment sensitive sustainable urbanization?,” Paris, France, 2000, vol. 16, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: