Growth, Wafering and Surface Preparation of CdZnTe Crystals for X–ray and Gamma Ray Applications



Growth and optical characterization of Sn0.6Sb0.4Se layer single crystals for optoelectronic applications
Bektas, T.; Terlemezoğlu, Makbule; Surucu, O.; Isik, M.; Parlak, Mehmet (2022-04-01)
© 2021SnSe compound is an attractive semiconductor material due to its usage in photovoltaic applications. The substitution of Sb in the SnSe compound presents a remarkable advantage especially in point of tuning optical characteristics. The present paper reports the structural and optical properties of Sn1-xSbxSe (x = 0.4) layered single crystals grown by the vertical Bridgman method. To the best of our knowledge, this work is the first investigation of the Sn0.6Sb0.4Se crystal grown with the vertical Brid...
Doğru Balbaşı, Çiğdem; Parlak, Mehmet; Department of Physics (2022-5-25)
CdZnTe is an II-VI group semiconductor material with significant properties used in many critical industrial applications, such as photovoltaic devices, photodiodes, photoconductors, room temperature gamma-ray spectroscopy, X-ray imaging, and infrared detectors. In Particular, CdZnTe is a promising material for solar cell application as an absorber layer due to its direct tunable bandgap property, high atomic number with strong absorption, excellent optoelectronic properties, and long-term stability. Howeve...
Growth, electrical and structural characterization of beta-GaSe thin films
Parlak, Mehmet; Ercelebi, C (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2003-04-01)
GaSe thin films were deposited onto the glass substrates kept at 200degrees and 300degreesC by the thermal evaporation of GaSe crystals under the pressure of 10(-5) Torr. X-ray analysis of the films revealed that films grown at 200. C are amorphous in nature while the films grown at 300degreesC are polycrystalline beta-GaSe. The temperature dependent electrical conductivity measurements in the region of 320-100 K for the films grown at 300degreesC showed that the transport mechanisms are the thermionic emis...
Growth and characterization of NaBi(Mo0.5W0.5O4)2 single crystal: A promising material for optoelectronic applications
Isik, M.; Guler, I.; Hasanlı, Nızamı (2023-03-15)
The structural and optical characteristics of NaBi(Mo0.5W0.5O4)2 single crystals grown by Czochralski method were investigated. X-ray diffraction (XRD) pattern exhibited four well-defined peaks related to tetragonal crystalline structure with a space group I41/a. Raman and infrared transmittance spectra were recorded to investigate vibrational properties of the compound. Room temperature transmission spectrum was measured to reveal band gap energy of the crystal. The derivative spectral and absorption coeff...
Growth and characterization of thin sio2 and ta2o5 dielectric layers nd : yag laser oxidation
Aygün Özyüzer, Gülnur; Turan, Raşit; Department of Physics (2005)
Our aim was to establish a methodology for laser assisted oxidation of semiconductor and metal surfaces. One advantage of laser oxidation is the fact that radiation is heavily absorbed in a thin surface layer of the sample and the other is its ability for local oxidation. In addition to this, laser beam can be directed into some areas that other processes cannot reach. For these reasons, Nd:YAG pulsed laser working at 1064 nm wavelength is used for the oxidation purposes of Si and Ta films. First, SiO2 laye...
Citation Formats
M. Ünal, Ö. B. Balbaşı, M. P. Kabukcuoğlu, H. Y. Ergunt, M. Parlak, and R. Turan, “Growth, Wafering and Surface Preparation of CdZnTe Crystals for X–ray and Gamma Ray Applications,” 2018, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: