How to increase quality through government intervention: An Experimental Study



How to make a preservice teacher technology integration course better: Participatory action research
Sadık, Olgun (2014-04-03)
There are various efforts to prepare teachers for technology integration. One of those efforts is preparing them during the pre-service teacher education years. This study aims to identify and overcome issues in a pre-service teacher technology integration course at a Midwest university. The study follows participatory action research (PAR) methodology to see the problems and solutions from the participant instructors own perspectives, and confirms them with the students in the course. The results of the st...
How to Design and Sustain Institutional Partnerships for Higher Education in University Strategic Planning for Internationalization Panel
Işık Güler, Hale; Bulut Şahin, Betül; Yorgun, İbrahim (2018-02-16)
How to develop a sustainable rural-urban fringe (ruf) from the perspective of urban and rural actors? the case of Döşemealtı in Antalya
Okudan, Yaşar; Akkar Ercan, Z. Müge.; Department of City and Regional Planning (2019)
Prior to the 1980s, a settlement system used to be defined in ‘urban’ or ‘rural’ terms, or in terms of its scale or its settlement stratification, such as village, district, town, city, etc. While ‘urban’ referred to be an area in which non-agricultural activities took place with certain form and boundaries, ‘rural’ signified an area with definite boundaries in which the urban features were indirectly lacking. From the 1980s onwards, along with the changing forms of production (from Fordist to Post-fordist)...
How to empower tertiary level EFL students to write better compositions in terms of content? : A case study
Özgür, Elmaziye; Vancı-Osam, Ülker; Department of English Language Teaching (1997)
Citation Formats
M. İ. Büyükboyacı Hanay, “How to increase quality through government intervention: An Experimental Study,” 2019, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: