How to empower tertiary level EFL students to write better compositions in terms of content? : A case study

Özgür, Elmaziye


How To Shape Up Conservation-Led Regeneration Initiatives Regarding Community Needs?
Akkar Ercan, Zübeyde Müge (Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, 2010-01-01)
1990’ların sonlarından itibaren kentsel koruma ve canlandırma konularındaki tartışmalar, toplumsal ve topluluk odaklı konulara kaymaya başlamasına rağmen, kentsel koruma ve canlandırma projelerinin ne kadar topluluk ihtiyaçlarına, değerlerine ve önceliklerine göre şekillendirildiği araştırılması gereken önemli bir soru olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Bu makale, 1980’lerin başından günümüze bir taraftan küresel ve uluslararası sermayenin odağı haline gelen, diğer taraftan yoksulluk, toplumsal dışlanma, kutupla...
How to Create a Friendly Environment for Innovation? A Case for Europe
Ege, Aylin; Ege, A. Yavuz (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2019-07-01)
It is a misjudgement to assume that R&D subsidies, patent protections or alike are sufficient to promote innovation. In fact, innovations incubate and hatch within an environment, especially if it is a friendly one. The aim of this paper is to look for the major factors which are the building blocks or pillars of such an environment. After discussing and analysing the theoretical and empirical studies on the major social and political factors which are the likely constituents of our inquired environment, fo...
How to develop a sustainable rural-urban fringe (ruf) from the perspective of urban and rural actors? the case of Döşemealtı in Antalya
Okudan, Yaşar; Akkar Ercan, Z. Müge.; Department of City and Regional Planning (2019)
Prior to the 1980s, a settlement system used to be defined in ‘urban’ or ‘rural’ terms, or in terms of its scale or its settlement stratification, such as village, district, town, city, etc. While ‘urban’ referred to be an area in which non-agricultural activities took place with certain form and boundaries, ‘rural’ signified an area with definite boundaries in which the urban features were indirectly lacking. From the 1980s onwards, along with the changing forms of production (from Fordist to Post-fordist)...
How to stop cities and companies causing planetary harm
Bai, Xuemei; Bjorn, Anders; Kılkış, Şiir; Sabag Munoz, Oscar; Whiteman, Gail; Hoff, Holger; Seaby Andersen, Lauren; Rockstrom, Johan (2022-09-01)
Citation Formats
E. Özgür, “How to empower tertiary level EFL students to write better compositions in terms of content? : A case study,” Middle East Technical University, 1997.