Building detection in high resolution remotely sensed images based on morphological operations

Ulusoy, İlkay
Esra, Abacıoğlu


Building Detection in High Resolution Remotely Sensed Images Based on Morphological Operators
Aytekin, Örsan; Ulusoy, İlkay; Abacioglu, Esra Zeynep; Gokcay, Erhan (2009-06-13)
Information retrieval from high resolution remotely sensed images is a challenging issue due to the inherent complexity and the curse of dimensionality of data under study. This paper presents an approach for building detection in high resolution remotely sensed images incorporating structural information of spatial data into spectral information. The proposed approach moves along eliminating irrelevant areas in a hierarchical manner. As a first step, pan-sharpened image is obtained from multi-spectral and ...
Building Detection With Decision Fusion
Senaras, Caglar; Ozay, Mete; Yarman Vural, Fatoş Tunay (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2013-6)
A novel decision fusion approach to building detection problem in VHR optical satellite images is proposed. The method combines the detection results of multiple classifiers under a hierarchical architecture, called Fuzzy Stacked Generalization (FSG). After an initial segmentation and pre-processing step, a large variety of color, texture and shape features are extracted from each segment. Then, the segments, represented in different feature spaces are classified by different base-layer classifiers of the F...
Building Detection in satellite images by textural features and Adaboost
CETIN, MELIH; Halıcı, Uğur (2010-08-24)
A method based on textural features and Adaboost for detecting buildings in satellite images is proposed. Several local textural features including mean and standard deviation of image intensity and gradient, Zernike moments, Circular-Mellin features, Haralick features, Fourier Power Spectrum, Wavelets, Gabor Filters, and a set features extracted from HSV color space are extracted. Adaboost learning algorithm is employed for both classification and determining the beneficial feature subset, due to its featu...
Building detection from satellite images using shadow and color information
Güdücü, Hasan Volkan; Halıcı, Uğur; Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (2008)
A method for detecting buildings from satellite/aerial images is proposed in this study. The aim is to extract rectilinear buildings by using hypothesize first verify next manner. Hypothesis generation is accomplished by using edge detection and line generation stages. Hypothesis verification is carried out by using information obtained both from the color segmentation of HSV representation of the image and the shadow detection stages’ output. Satellite/aerial image is firstly filtered to sharpen the edges....
Opening Evolution and Closure of the Neotethyan Oceanic Branches in Anatolia as Inferred by Radiolarian Research
Göncüoğlu, Mehmet Cemal; Sayıt, Kaan; Uzunçimen Keçeli, Seda (null; 2015-03-26)
Citation Formats
İ. Ulusoy and A. Esra, “Building detection in high resolution remotely sensed images based on morphological operations,” 2009, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: