Erken Cumhuriyet Dönemi Türkiye Mimarlığı ve Modernleşme: Mesleğin Profesyonelleşmesi Sürecinde Yarışmalar ve Yabancı Mimar Problemi



Erken Cumhuriyet Döneminde İzmir, Ankara ve İstanbul’un Planlaması: Şehircilik Tarihi Yazımında Uluslararası Deneyimin Aktarımı Sorunsalı
Bilsel, Fatma Cânâ (2017-02-01)
Erken Cumhuriyet Döneminde Yerli Mimarlar ve Yabancı Rakipleri
Altan, Tomris Elvan; Zelef, Mustafa Haluk (2010-01-01)
Acoustical analysis and taxonomy of performance halls in Early Republican Period in Ankara: Resim Heykel Müzesi, Küçük Tiyatro and Opera
Örün, Gonca; Sorguç, Arzu; Department of Architecture (2011)
Comprehensive studies are required to understand the design of the performance halls in Turkish Early Republican Period. Acoustics, a significant parameter in performance hall design, has been chosen to contribute the studies. Three pioneers of the period, Resim Heykel Museum, Küçük Theatre and Opera Halls, are chosen as cases. The acoustical qualities of performance halls of Turkish Early Republican period in Ankara is studied in parallel to the acoustical design of performance halls in Europe which may re...
Erken Cumhuriyet Döneminde Yerli Mimar ve Yabancı Rakipleri
Altan, Elvan; Zelef, Mustafa Haluk (2010-01-01)
Uncontrolled use of agricultural chemicals in intensive agricultural areas of Turkey causes serious soil, surface- and ground-water pollution. Controlled use of agricultural chemicals is of importance for preventing further pollution of these natural resources. The objectives of this paper are to present a screening model that can be used to determine the scientific criteria serving as basis of controlled pesticide use, to classify pesticides according to their pollution potential and, based on this classif...
Ideology And Urbanism During The Early Republican Period: Two Master Plans For İzmir And Scenarios Of Modernization
Bilsel, Fatma Cânâ (Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, 1996-1-01)
'Urbanism', 'that new science of town building', was fighting for its legitimization in Western countries at the beginning of the twentieth century; it would constitute an excellent tool for the young Republic of Turkey for the creation of a physical urban frame, the setting of a network, equipment and symbols, and an urban image that would support the modern society that the Republic aimed to achieve. Different planning models developed in the West would serve that purpose; particularly, the French and Ger...
Citation Formats
T. E. Altan, Erken Cumhuriyet Dönemi Türkiye Mimarlığı ve Modernleşme: Mesleğin Profesyonelleşmesi Sürecinde Yarışmalar ve Yabancı Mimar Problemi. 2007, p. 84.