Metric scale and 6dof pose estimation using a color camera and distance sensors

Ölmez, Burhan
Monocular color cameras are widely used for 6DoF pose estimation and sparse creation of 3D point cloud of the environment over decades with SfM, VO, and V-SLAM algorithms. In this thesis, a novel algorithm is presented to estimate the metric scale information of a monocular visual odometry algorithm using a distance sensor. This method uses a state-of-the-art visual odometry algorithm Semi-Direct Visual Odometry (SVO) [1] for obtaining sparse 3D point cloud and then matches these points with the measurements obtained from the distance sensor to estimate the metric scale. Moreover, the scale parameter is modeled as a Gaussian random variable and updated with the calculated scale using a Kalman filter for a more stable result. Additionally, multiple distance sensors are added to estimate the scale more accurately. It is observed that the scale accuracy can significantly be improved in the case of multiple sensors. As another novel approach, the estimation of the roll and pitch angles for the camera platform is considered. This is achieved with respect to the ground plane using three distance sensors placed with a specific geometry and their corresponding 3D point cloud matches. This angle information does not drift in time thanks to direct metric measurements from distance sensors. Finally, with four special distance senv sors, which can leave marks on the environment, direct 6DoF pose estimation with respect to the pattern is found. A novel heuristic pattern and pattern recognition algorithm are proposed. Several simulations are performed on a MAV equipped with a camera and distance sensors in an advanced SITL environment and the performance of the proposed approaches are shown to be better than the previous works in different scenarios.


Metric scale and angle estimation in monocular visual odometry with multiple distance sensors
Ölmez, Burhan; Tuncer, Temel Engin (2021-10-01)
In this paper, a novel approach is presented to estimate the metric scale (MSC) and roll and pitch angles of a platform by using distance sensors in a monocular visual odometry setup. A state-of-the-art visual odometry algorithm Semi-Direct Visual Odometry (SVO) [1] is used to obtain sparse three dimensional (3D) point cloud which is then matched with the measurements obtained from the distance sensors for the estimation process. Metric scale with Kalman (MSCwK) filter approach is presented where the metric...
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Correlation tracking based on wavelet domain information
Ipek, HL; Yilmaz, I; Yardimci, YC; Cetin, AE (2003-08-07)
Tracking moving objects in video can be carried out by correlating a template containing object pixels with pixels of the current frame. This approach may produce erroneous results under noise. We determine a set of significant pixels on the object by analyzing the wavelet transform of the template and correlate only these pixels with the current frame to determine the next position of the object. These significant pixels are easily trackable features of the image and increase the performance of the tracker.
Alatan, Abdullah Aydın (1994-01-01)
3-D motion estimation from a video sequence remains a challenging problem. Modelling the local interactions between the 3-D motion parameters is possible by using Gibbs random fields. An energy function which gives the joint probability distribution of the motion vectors, is constructed. The most probable motion vector set is found by maximizing the probability, represented by this distribution. Since the 3-D motion estimation problem is ill-posed, the regularization is achieved by an initial rigidity assum...
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Citation Formats
B. Ölmez, “Metric scale and 6dof pose estimation using a color camera and distance sensors,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2021.