Increasing Underserved College Students’ Success at English Language Learning



Predicting Turkish ninth grade students algebra performance
Erbaş, Ayhan Kürşat (2005-01-01)
The prediction of students’ achievement in algebra in eighth and ninth grades has become a research interest for practical issues of placement. A group of simple, easily accessible variables was used to predict student performance in algebra after completion of eighth grade. The three variables of school type, grade level, and previous year mathematics performance explained 54% of the variance in algebra performance. Furthermore, school type was the dominant pr...
Investigating faculty technology mentoring as a university-wide professional development model
Baran, Evrim (2016-04-01)
A growing and increasingly important area of research in higher education is the investigation of how different forms of support and training programs facilitate faculty adoption of technology into pedagogical practices. This study explored the implementation of a faculty technology mentoring (FTM) program as a university-wide professional development model, focusing on the success factors and critical strategies that encourage technology adoption in faculty teaching practices. The goal of this effort is to...
Accelerating students’ capability in design for interaction
Şener Pedgley, Bahar (null; 2019-07-09)
Abstract: User interaction and experiential aspects of electrical and electronic product design are complexareas for design students to grasp, requiring integration of industrial design (ID) and interaction design (IxD)knowledge and skills. This paper reports on a specific educational challenge that arose during the planningof a new Master of Science programme: how should a highly-compact (14-week, 8 ECTS) introductorygraduate course in ‘design for interaction’ (D4I) be effectively framed and delivered? The...
Investigating preservice middle school mathematics teachers’ noticing of students’ mathematical thinking in the context of lesson study /
Güner, Pınar; Akyüz, Didem; Department of Elementary Education (2017)
The purpose of the current study was to examine preservice middle school mathematics teachers’ noticing of students’ mathematical thinking in the context of lesson study professional development model and determine whether any changes took place in their noticing skills. Qualitative research methodology, in particular, case study was used in order to elaborate what and how preservice teachers notice during lesson study phases which are planning, teaching, reflecting, re teaching and re-reflecting. With this...
Increasing the potentials of conventional waterflooding by preventation of channeling.
Özdemir, Ali Rıza; Department of Mining Engineering (1975)
Citation Formats
S. Tekir, “Increasing Underserved College Students’ Success at English Language Learning,” presented at the 8th INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION CURRICULUM STUDIES IN LIFE LONG LEARNING, Burdur, Türkiye, 2021, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: