Almanya’da Türkiye Kökenli Gençler ve Toplumsal Uyum Bağlamında Eğitim Sorunları

Almanya-Türkiye Göç İlişkilerinde Yeni Gelişmeler


Anadolu’da Selçuklu Kentler Sistemi ve Mekânsal Kademelenme
Özcan, Koray (Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, 2006)
Bu araştırmanın konusu, Anadolu’nun ilk Türk-İslâm kolonizasyon dönemi olarak adlandırılan Anadolu Selçuklu siyasal ve yönetsel egemenlik döneminde fethedilmiş, devralınmış ya da yeni kurulmuş kentler dizgisinin oluşturduğu işlevsel ve mekânsal kademelenme kapsamında örgütlendiği öngörülen kentler sisteminin varlığının araştırılmasıdır. Burada temel sorun; sözkonusu kentler sistemi kurgusunu biçimlendiren ya da yönlendiren dinamiklerin neler olabileceği, başka bir ifadeyle, sistemin temel bileşenleri ve sis...
Natural gas diplomacy of Russia with the EU and Turkey: political and security versus economic and environmental dimensions
Tosun, Kürşad; Tanrısever, Oktay Fırat; Köksal Aydınalp, Merih; Department of Earth System Science (2016)
Energy relations among Turkey, Russia and the EU are very complex. In terms of natural gas, Russia wishes to secure its strong supplier status on Europe and Turkey, while the EU strives for diversity in gas pipeline routes and supply security. On the other hand, Turkey aims to strengthen its status as a transit country, at least preferably as a ‘hub’, and also seeks for diverse gas supplies. In recent years, Turkey was able to overcome difficult and sensitive political situations with successful maneuvers u...
Avrupa’da Göç Politikaları
Okyayuz, Mehmet (2008-04-25)
Rural Habitation in Syria: The Culture of Traditional Architecture and Its Role in the Reconstruction Process
Al asali, M. Wesam ; Shahin, Iyas (Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, 2016-10-12)
This paper investigates the positive role traditional architecture can play during reconstruction, particularly in rural Syria, and highlights the effective impact cultural and social participation have on the process. In addition to exploring the possibilities offered by traditional architecture and its implementation within the strategic vision of reconstruction, this research also takes into account the authenticity of rural society and the diversity of urban identity in Syria. This article consists of ...
Continuity and Change in the US Foreign Policy toward Kosovo Question
Kala, Merve; Türkeş, Mustafa; Department of International Relations (2022-8)
This study explores the U.S. foreign policy toward the Kosovo Question, comparing and contrasting the policies of George Herbert Walker Bush, Bill Clinton, George Walker Bush, Barack Obama, Donald Trump, and Joe Biden administrations. The continuity and change of each administration's foreign policies are examined. As shown, various other concerns of the U.S. administrations have kept them reluctant external actors in the Balkans. The thesis argues that there is more of continuity than change among these ad...
Citation Formats
M. Okyayuz, “Almanya’da Türkiye Kökenli Gençler ve Toplumsal Uyum Bağlamında Eğitim Sorunları,” presented at the Almanya-Türkiye Göç İlişkilerinde Yeni Gelişmeler, İstanbul, Türkiye, 2003, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: