Detecting malicious behavior in binary programs using dynamic symbolic execution and API call sequences

Tatar, Fatih Tamer
Program analysis becomes an important part of malware detection as malware become stealthier and more complex. For example, modern malware may detect whether they are under analysis and they may use certain triggers such as time to avoid detection. However, current detection techniques turn out to be insufficient as they have limitations to detect new, obfuscated, and intelligent malware. In this thesis, we propose a behavior based malware detection methodology using API call sequence analysis. In our methodology, we combine dynamic symbolic execution and API function models to extract call sequences of a given binary program and decide whether it has a malicious sequence. In our experiments, we showed that our methodology is capable of detecting malware hiding behind evasion techniques and our methodology is applicable to a real-world problem.


Tatar, Fatih Tamer; Betin Can, Aysu (2022-10-01)
As malicious software gets more stealthy and smarter, software analysis has become an essential part of malware detection. Modern malware does not immediately display its malicious behavior, especially if they are aware that it is being analyzed. For instance, malware can detect the runtime environment and use certain triggers, such as time, to avoid detection. Static analysis fails on obfuscated code whereas dynamic analysis struggles to find the right actions and conditions to trigger malicious act...
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Application of subspace clustering to scalable malware clustering
Işıktaş, Fatih; Betin Can, Aysu; Department of Information Systems (2019)
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Citation Formats
F. T. Tatar, “Detecting malicious behavior in binary programs using dynamic symbolic execution and API call sequences,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2021.