Issue 1-2

Issue Number
Volume Number
Date of Issue
Editorial / Yazı Kurulu'ndan
Yazı Kurulu (Middle East Technical University, 1992)
İmar Hukukunda Mücavir Alan Kavramı
Tekinbaş, Emre (1992-1-1)
İmar mevzuatımızda otuz yılı aşan bir süredir ‘mücavir alan’ kavramı yer almaktadır. Belediyelere özellikle imar ile ilgili olarak ve özel durumlar için verilen bir yetki ve görev, zamanla büyük değişiklikler göstermiş, yö...
Institutionalizing Artifacts: Designating Legal And Moral Rights Over Architectural Artifacts
Savaş, Ayşen (1992-1-1)
Son yıllarda mimarlık çizimleri, maketleri, fotoğrafları ve yazılı belgeler, müzeler, arşivler ve galeriler gibi birçok özelleşmiş mimarlık kurumunda saklanmakta, korunmakta, sergilenmekte ve yayınlanmaktadır. Tüm bu etkin...
Planning: A Continiuum Of Utopian And Non-Utopian Sensibilities
Barlas, M.Adnan (1992-1-1)
The identification of the origins of the intellectual history as well as the professional practice of planning, either in terms of its conceptual foundations or the chronology of events, takes one back to industrializing E...
Product Induced Home Accidents: A Search For Safer Designs
Hasdoğan, Gülay (1992-1-1-2)
Designers usually begin the design process with some presumptions about the potential users or the consumers which aid them in-making predictions about the final product’s interaction with its user. Such presumptions may f...
Integrating Urban And Landscape Issues In Early Design Education
Haider, Jawaid; Kalisperis, Loukas; Lawrence, Howard; Forsyth, Amy (1992-1-1-2)
It is imperative to instill in students an awareness of urban issues; therefore, the relationship between the urban setting and the landscape is a major vehicle for the exploration of architectural principles early in our ...
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