Scour at the rear side of rubble mound revetments

Yıldırım, Mehmet Emre
In this study, an examination of the scour at the rear side of rubble mound revetments resulting from wave overtopping was performed. The effects of backfill materials, backfill height, and wave properties on the process were investigated through physical model experiments. One of the main findings of the study is that as the storm duration increases, the maximum scour depth eventually reaches an equilibrium state. Also, as the overtopping discharge increases, the scour depth occurs deeper. Estimation of geometrical features of the scour and accretion was acquired by taking overtopping discharge amount and backfill height as governing parameters. Normalized scour profiles were obtained and grouped into four. In addition, the mean normalized scour profile was presented. Prediction of time-related scour parameters, which are the time scale and the time needed to observe maximum scour depth, were presented. The time scale of the scour was found independent of overtopping discharge amount. It was seen that three different wave series with the same wave properties created different scour profiles due to different overtopping discharge amounts.


Comparison of turbulence model and wall function couplings for simulating scour
Şentürk, Barış Ufuk; Baykal, Cüneyt; Department of Civil Engineering (2022-1-19)
In this study, the scouring of bed material at the rear side of a rubble mound coastal revetment due to the overtopping of solitary-like waves is numerically studied using a coupled hydrodynamic and morphological computational fluid dynamics model. The major purpose of this thesis study is to investigate the performances of different turbulence model and wall function couplings on the hydrodynamic and morphological results. In the first part of this study, hydrodynamic simulations are performed, and the res...
Application of collars as a scour countermeasure for spill-through abutments /
Yılmaz, Kutay; Köken, Mete; Göğüş, Mustafa; Department of Civil Engineering (2014)
In the study the effect of collars on scour for spill-through abutments under clear-water conditions was investigated. Total of 70 experiments were conducted. Two abutments were placed on the opposite sides of a straight rectangular channel. Collars with different widths were placed at different depths around these abutments and reduction on scour was investigated for each case. Using different abutment lengths allowed investigation of collars at different contraction ratios and hence optimum collar configu...
Temporal Variation of Scour Hole around Spill Through Bridge Abutments at Various Contraction Ratios
Yildiz, Burhan; Köken, Mete; Göğüş, Mustafa (2013-09-13)
This study deals with the temporal variation of scour around spill through bridge abutments at clear water conditions. Two spill through bridge abutments are connected at opposite sides of the sediment storage part of a rectangular channel which has a length of 29 m and a width of 1.5 m. Development of the scour is measured continuously at different cross sections around the abutment during experiments that lasted for 8 hours. These measurements are taken using an ultrasonic ranging system. Besides these co...
Scour protection around vertical-wall bridge abutments with collars
KUMCU, ŞERİFE YURDAGÜL; Kokpinar, Mehmet Ali; Göğüş, Mustafa (2014-09-01)
The cause of local scour around a bridge abutment is mainly the presence of spiraling vortex flow structure called the principal vortex. A rigid surface around an abutment with a collar can arrest the growth of the vortex, and therefore, reduces the scour depths around the abutment compared to the case without a collar. This paper presents an experimental investigation related to the collars of different sizes placed around vertical-wall bridge abutments at various elevations in an erodible bed flume that c...
Yaman, Mert; Yalçıner, Ahmet Cevdet; Baykal, Cüneyt; Department of Civil Engineering (2022-5-11)
Rubble mount coastal structures are commonly used for protecting coastal utilities. Under storm conditions or extreme conditions, long waves attack those structures and cause overtopping. This overtopping phenomenon often results in water flow at the back side of the structure which consequently causes scour. In this thesis, different solitary-like waves and the backfill conditions are studied to understand the level of overtopping and maximum scour depth behind the structure due to the solitary-like wave c...
Citation Formats
M. E. Yıldırım, “Scour at the rear side of rubble mound revetments,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2021.