Impact of social solidarity networks on illegal abortion experiences of young adults in turkey: A mixed methods study

Esengen, Sinem
This thesis aims to investigate young adults’ experiences of abortion. Based on a mixed-methods research, this study will have a quantitative section where the data from the Turkish Demographic and Health Survey 2018 (TDHS-2018) will be aggregated and analyzed, and a qualitative section that will interview young adults about their induced abortion experiences. The focus of the study is to explore the effects of young adults' social bonds during their experiences of induced abortion. First, as the thesis will adopt a feminist standpoint, it will problematize general discourses and policies on abortion and the reaction to it by the feminist movement. Then, it will elaborate on the importance of social solidarity bonds' critical position in building solidarity around reproduction politics and its role in informing young adults on reproductive health. The quantitative part of the thesis analyzes the relationship between women's social bonds and whether they had an abortion via analyzing the TDHS data. In the light of the quantitative results, the qualitative part will reveal the marginalized abortion experiences of young adults based on the legal status of their operations. Overall, the thesis aims to highlight whether solidarity impacts young adults' experiences of induced abortion as a stressful life event in their reproductive lives.


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Citation Formats
S. Esengen, “Impact of social solidarity networks on illegal abortion experiences of young adults in turkey: A mixed methods study,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2021.