Anadolu ve Ege Neolitik Popülasyonlarının Antik Genom Analizi

Koptekin, Dilek
Kılınç, Gülşah Merve
Atakuman, Çiğdem
Sümer, Arev Pelin
Götherström, Anders
Togan, Inci
Somel, Mehmet
39. Uluslararası Kazı, Araştırma ve Arkeometri Sempozyumu


Anadolu Sulakalanlarının Ekolojik Sorunları
Özkan, Korhan (2016-04-16)
Anadolu Sulaklarının Evrimi
Özkan, Korhan (2015-12-19)
Exploring the evolutionary history of Anatolian neolithic sheep using modern and ancient genomics
Yurtman, Erinç; Somel, Mehmet; Department of Biology (2019)
The transition from hunting-gathering to sedentism happened in West Asia in the early Holocene, eventually giving way to the establishment of agriculture and livestock breeding. In this process, domestication of wild animals played crucial role for human settlements. The domestication center of sheep, among the main four livestock species, is thought to have been within Anatolia. Previous archaeozoological studies also suggested that after domestication this species migrated with human populations to other ...
Morphometric and genetic differentiation between anatolia and Cyprus bonbus(bombus)terrestris (l.1758)populations
Beton, Damla; Kence, Aykut; Department of Biology (2004)
Four microsatellite loci were used to investigate differentiation in Bombus terrestris, a bumblebee of interest for its high value crops pollination. Two bumblebee populations, one from Ankara (the capital of Turkey) and one from North Cyprus were analyzed. In these populations, the total number of alleles detected per polymorphic locus ranged from 7 to 12. FST genetic distance between Ankara and North Cyprus B. terrestris populations based on four microsatellite loci was calculated as 0,09351. This applies...
Anadolu Selçukluları ve Beylikler Dönemi Uygarlığı: Sanat ve Mimarlık
Peker, Ali Uzay (Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı, 2006-12-01)
Citation Formats
D. Koptekin et al., “Anadolu ve Ege Neolitik Popülasyonlarının Antik Genom Analizi,” presented at the 39. Uluslararası Kazı, Araştırma ve Arkeometri Sempozyumu, Bursa, Türkiye, 2018, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: