Güneyi, Eylem Tuğçe
Graph models provide efficient tools for analyzing data defined over irregular domains such as social networks, sensor networks, and transportation networks. Real-world graph signals are usually time-varying signals. The characterization of the joint behavior of time-varying graph signals in the time and the vertex domains has recently arisen as an interesting research problem, contrasted to the independent processing of graph signals acquired at different time instants. The concept of wide sense stationarity, which facilitates the analysis of random time processes in statistical signal processing, has been extended to graph domains for the joint time-vertex analysis of time-varying graph random processes. In this thesis, we study the problem of learning parametric joint wide sense stationary models to analyze and estimate time-varying graph signals. Since parametric models with few parameters typically require less training data than nonparametric models, they are expected to perform better in case of incomplete observations. We model time-varying graph signals as autoregressive moving average (ARMA) processes in this study. The graph ARMA process parameters are learnt from a prior coarse estimation of the joint power spectral density (JPSD) of the process that models a given set of time-varying graph signals with missing observations. The JPSD estimation is then refined and improved based on the learnt graph ARMA process model. The estimated JPSD is finally used to recover the missing observations of the given time-varying graph signals. Experiments performed on synthetic and real data show that using ARMA graph process models to analyze time-varying graph signals yields promising results.


Estimation of partially observed multiple graph signals by learning spectrally concentrated graph kernels
Turhan, Gülce; Vural, Elif; Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (2021-3-31)
Graph models provide flexible tools for the representation and analysis of signals defined over domains such as social or sensor networks. However, in real applications data observations are often not available over the whole graph, due to practical problems such as broken sensors, connection loss, or storage problems. In this thesis, we study the problem of estimating partially observed graph signals on multiple graphs. We consider possibly multiple graph domains over which a set of signals is available wi...
Investigation of Stationarity for Graph Time Series Data Sets
Güneyi, Eylem Tuğçe; Vural, Elif (2021-01-07)
Graphs permit the analysis of the relationships in complex data sets effectively. Stationarity is a feature that facilitates the analysis and processing of random time signals. Since graphs have an irregular structure, the definition of classical stationarity does not apply to graphs. In this study, we study how stationarity is defined for graph random processes and examine the validity of the stationarity assumption with experiments on synthetic and real data sets.
Estimation of Locally Stationary Graph Processes from Incomplete Realizations
Canbolat, Abdullah; Vural, Elif (2022-01-01)
Stationarity is a well-studied concept in signal processing and the concept of stationary random processes has been extended to graph domains in several recent works. Meanwhile, in many scenarios a globally stationary process model may fail to accurately represent the correlation patterns of the data on the whole graph, e.g. when data is acquired on big graphs or when the behavior of the process varies significantly throughout the graph. In this work, we first propose a locally stationary graph process mode...
Investigation of haptic line graph comprehension through co production of gesture and language
Deniz, Ozan; Mehmetcan, Fal; Acartürk, Cengiz (null; 2013-06-30)
In communication settings, statistical graphs accompany language by providing visual access to various aspects of domain entities, such as conveying information about trends. A similar and comparable means for providing perceptual access is to provide haptic graphs for blind people. In this study, we present the results of an experimental study that aimed to investigate visual line graphs and haptic line graphs in time domain by means of gesture production as an indicator of event conceptualization. The par...
Estimating Partially Observed Graph Signals by Learning Spectrally Concentrated Graph Kernels
Turhan, Gulce; Vural, Elif (2021-01-01)
© 2021 IEEE.Graph models provide flexible tools for the representation and analysis of signals defined over irregular domains such as social or sensor networks. However, in real applications data observations are often not available over the whole graph, due to practical problems such as sensor failure or connection loss. In this paper, we study the estimation of partially observed graph signals on multiple graphs. We learn a sparse representation of partially observed graph signals over spectrally concentr...
Citation Formats
E. T. Güneyi, “ESTIMATION OF TIME VARYING GRAPH SIGNALS WITH GRAPH ARMA PROCESSES,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2021.