Comparison of several machine learning classifiers for arousal classification: A preliminary study

Medical Technologies Congress (TIPTEKNO 2020)


Comparison of two polymeric nanocarriers for targeted CpG-ODN delivery: chitosan- and poly (amidoamine) dendrimer-coated magnetic nanoparticles
Pourianazar, N. Taghavi; Parsian, M.; Unsoy, G.; Yalcin, S.; Gündüz, Ufuk (2014-09-01)
Comparison of three orientation agreement strategies in self-propelled particle systems with turn angle restrictions in synchronous and asynchronous settings
Samiloglu, Andac T.; Gazi, Veysel; Koku, Ahmet Buğra (2008-03-01)
In this study, we compare three different orientation agreement strategies of multi-agent/particle systems under different conditions. We investigate the behavior of multi-agent systems utilizing these strategies with different combinations of the following properties: (i) the multi-agent systems may be synchronous or asynchronous, (ii) they may travel in bounded or unbounded regions and (iii) the mobile agents may have turning speed restrictions. The agents/particles are assumed to move with constant speed...
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Nalça, İrem; Doğru, Ewa; Department of Health Informatics (2014)
Investigation of physiology, pharmacology, and genetics of vision in animal models requires development of experimental procedures allowing for a reliable behavioral assessment of visual skills. In the present study, two different behavioral assessment tasks to measure visual acuity in C57BL6/J mice were applied and compared. Both tasks were performed in a trapezoidal-shaped pool, with two computer-controlled monitors placed side-by-side at one end of the pool, and with an invisible platform located under t...
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Sönmez, Arzu Burçak; Can, Tolga (2017-03-22)
Background: Analysis of integrated genome-scale networks is a challenging problem due to heterogeneity of high-throughput data. There are several topological measures, such as graphlet counts, for characterization of biological networks.
Comparison of Three Software Effort Estimation Methodologies with Case Study
Erçelebi Ayyıldız, Tülin; Koçyiğit, Altan; Peker, Deniz (2013-04-01)
It is an important issue in the software industry to predict how much effort will be required for a software project. The more accurate the effort estimation is in the early product development lifecycle, the higher is the performance in utilization of the resources and in meeting the deadline requirements. There are a number of methodologies developed for effort estimation. Use Cases, which are used for describing and capturing the functional requirements of a software system, is very popular and Use Case ...
Citation Formats
E. C. Erkuş and V. Purutçuoğlu Gazi, “Comparison of several machine learning classifiers for arousal classification: A preliminary study,” presented at the Medical Technologies Congress (TIPTEKNO 2020), İstanbul, Türkiye, 2020, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: