Gümüşlü, Seda Nehir
This research seeks to investigate the re-assessment, valorization and representation of Byzantine cultural heritage in Turkey through the current practices of preservation and presentation. Byzantine cultural heritage is an important part of the cultural continuity of Turkey. It survives in a variety of cultural and geographical contexts, as well as within different scales of settlement, building typology and cultural strata. The preservation and valorization of cultural heritage for a particular period of the past is only possible by its adoption by the societies it influences. An efficient narrative and representation of cultural heritage is the strongest way to ensure the adoption of the past. A shared past and values make the adoption process easier for society, however, without cultural and religious links with the Byzantine civilization, it is clear that Byzantine cultural heritage in Turkey has been neglected for decades, perhaps centuries. With this in mind, we might justifiably claim that Turkey’s Byzantine past can be labelled as ‘long-neglected’ when trying to examine how Byzantium is understood and treated in Turkey, and also how it is represented in the literature. Although interest in Byzantium has increased over recent decades, the study of its cultural heritage, however, has featured less in the archaeological investigations, academic studies, and conservarvation practices when compared so far to the Classical, Seljuk, and Ottoman periods. The core of the present research is based on the current physical conditions and uses of Byzantine structures and their remains, and involves a comprehensive literature survey as well as a series of field studies in Turkey and other countries to examine current conservation and presentation practices. Various factors affecting attitudes towards Byzantine heritage and its understanding (e.g. historical, ethnic, socio-cultural, religious, educational, economic, the role of the mass media) are examined in detail. Following this, Byzantine cultural heritage is classified in four groups according to geographical context, settlement scale in terms of location, and archaeological characteristics. These groups are: Byzantine cultural heritage in urban settlements and archaeological settings; Byzantine cultural heritage in rural settlements and archaeological settings; Byzantine cultural heritage in individual archeological sites; and Byzantine cultural heritage as part of cultural landscapes. The selected case study areas within these groups were visited and analyzed according to determined criteria linked to ‘state of preservation’ designated after preliminary analyses, and a set of criteria for ‘state of presentation’, fixed according to recognized international documents. The particular evaluations of each case are presented at the end of the analyses. In addition, the current state of Byzantine heritage in the Balkans and Eastern Mediterranean is also examined Chapter 4, on a comparative basis, to provide an objective viewpoint for attitudes towards Byzantium in Turkey. The dialogue between society and heritage needs to be established and strengthened, so as to provide a better understanding and interaction with the past, before its presentation to and adoption by wider audiences. In this context, the necessity of constructing ‘meaning’ from the past and establishing a narrative are key factors. It is thus crucial to produce high-quality knowledge on Byzantium and its heritage, determine how this content should be used/presented, and identify the stakeholders of this process, so that the preservation, valorization, and representation of Byzantine cultural heritage can be disseminated ever more widely and efficiently.


The Role of cultural heritage in international politics: an analysis of the negative heritage sites in UNESCO world heritage
Tomaz, Gamze Zehra; Çıtak Aytürk, Zana Ayşe; Department of International Relations (2020)
This thesis analyses the role of cultural heritage in international politics by focusing on UNESCO and its management of negative heritage sites. The thesis first examines the historical development of the cultural heritage management system. Then, UNESCO and its management system are introduced by looking into World Heritage List and components of the system. Lastly, negative heritage sites in UNESCO World Heritage List are evaluated. By focusing on conflictual nature of the cultural heritage, it is propos...
Contesting the Byzantine Past: Four Hagia Sophias as Ideological Battlegrounds of Architectural Conservation in Turkey
Aykaç Leıdholm, Pınar (Informa UK Limited, 2018-05-04)
The debates over contemporary restoration practices in Turkey have become heated in recent years especially after the reopening of the Hagia Sophias in İznik and Trabzon as mosques. Iconic Byzantine churches that functioned as mosques in the Ottoman period, these monuments had been functioning as museums for decades following the museumification of Istanbul’s famous Hagia Sophia. Meanwhile, Hagia Sophia in Vize has already been reopened as a mosque without receiving much attention. The repeated statements o...
Challenges in use of geographical information systems (GIS) in a research for understanding conservation of cultural heritage in Bursa
Alp, Sermin Cakici; Şahin Güçhan, Neriman (2017-01-01)
Purpose -The purpose of this paper is to present a framework of introducing a proper method to document and to analyze conservation process of cultural heritage in Bursa, known as one of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Turkey and to discuss challenges in use of geographical information systems (GIS) for assessment of a complex data collected and analyzed during different phases of the historic researches.
The dialogue between community archaeology and livelihoods in rural context: the case of Komana /Tokat.
İlter, Ceren; Erciyas, D. Burcu.; Department of Urban Policy Planning and Local Governments (2020)
Cultural and archaeological heritage, as a reflection of elapsed time, conveys both the traces of past belonging to its immediate territory and also carries them into the future. Throughout centuries new and different layers bearing differing values interweave to contribute to the significance of cultural assets in an intricate way. The cultural, economic, and social dynamics of the territory, where the cultural heritage exists, is shaped by this interwoven and authentic pattern. However, singular and stere...
A History of the Development of Conservation Measures in Turkey: From The Mid 19th Century Until 2004
Kurul, Esra; Şahin Güçhan, Neriman (Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, 2009-01-01)
Bu makale, Avrupa Birliği’ne uyum sürecinde kapsamlı yasal ve yapısal dönüşümlere sahne olan Türkiye’de, özellikle 2004 yılındaki değişimlerin eşiğinde, Osmanlı’nın son döneminde gündeme gelen ve 2004 yılına kadarki süreçte evirilerek gelişen mimari ve kentsel koruma alanının yasal ve idari kurumlaşma çerçevesinin gelişimini tanımlamak ve mevcut duruma ilişkin bir ön değerlendirme yapmayı amaçlar.
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