Bir Kesişim Kümesi olarak Milli-Muhafazakârlığın Üç Değili: Aleviler, Ermeniler ve Kürtler



Bir Kesişim Kümesi olarak Milli-Muhafazakarlığın Üç Değili: Aleviler, Ermeniler ve Kürtler
Zırh, Besim Can (İletişim Yayınları, 2015-01-01)
Bir Zihniyet Pratiği olarak Gözetleme MERNİS ten E Devlete
Topak, Özgün Erdener; Topal, Çağatay (null; 2009-12-09)
Thomas Hardy as a threshold figure and crisis of representation in his poetry—a deconstructionist reading
Özgür, Nilüfer; Birlik, Nurten; Department of English Literature (2015)
Thomas Hardy is a poet who produced most of his poetry in the Victorian age but published it largely in the twentieth century when the literary sensibility was predominantly modern. Although Hardy is not conventionally considered a Modernist poet, he shares with Modernists an element that can be referred to as the linguistic crisis by which they try to get over the sense of anxiety against the backdrop of a chaotic world and problematized language. The forerunner of Deconstructionism, Derrida, exposes a lon...
Bir şiddet türü olarak ısrarlı takip ve çelişik duygulu cinsiyetçilik, namusu onaylama, cinsiyet temelli şiddete ilişkin tutumlarla ilişkisi
Başar, Demet; Sakallı, Nuray (2019-12-30)
Exposing a void by filling it: witnessing as a mode of claiming political visibility and the case of vote and beyond volunteers
Karaca, Gamze; Yıldırım, Erdoğan; Department of Sociology (2017)
Election observation and monitoring, which has begun to take effect and spread worldwide since the beginning of the 20th century, gained relevance in Turkey after 2014, with the mobilization of civil citizens organized under the domestic civil society organization Vote and Beyond. Existing literature on election observation and monitoring usually discuss the rapid spread of the practice with reference to the changes in the international normative environment or focus on the impact of it on public opinion, b...
Citation Formats
B. C. Zırh, Bir Kesişim Kümesi olarak Milli-Muhafazakârlığın Üç Değili: Aleviler, Ermeniler ve Kürtler. 2020.