Minimum Outage Probability for the Relay Channel under Individual Power Constraints

Yüksel Turgut, Ayşe Melda
In this letter, minimum outage probability for a fading relay channel is considered for long-term individual power constraints (IPC1) at the source and the relay. By utilizing Lagrange multiplier theory, it is shown that solving the IPC problem is equivalent to solving a weighted sum power constrained (wSPC) problem. Opportunistic decode and forward (ODF), and simplified ODF (SODF) protocol performances are investigated and compared with a lower bound on outage probability, under both individual and sum power constraints (SPC). It is shown that, under IPC, the source or the relay does not necessarily deplete its average power constraint, but some power can remain unutilized for ODF or SODF.


Minimum Common Outage Probability for the Broadcast Relay Channel
Isikman, Arif Onder; Yüksel Turgut, Ayşe Melda (2011-01-01)
In this paper the broadcast relay channel (BRC) is studied. In the BRC model, the source communicates with two destinations with the help of a single relay. The minimum common outage probability for four different transmission protocols, direct transmission (DT), multihop (MH), path selection (PS) and link combination with path selection (LCPS) is investigated under long-term power constraint for constant rate transmission. In addition, the epsilon-outage rate region for a fixed common outage probability is...
A Low-Complexity Policy for Outage Probability Minimization With an Energy Harvesting Transmitter
Isikman, Arif Onder; Yüksel Turgut, Ayşe Melda; Gunduz, Deniz (2017-04-01)
Outage probability in an energy harvesting (EH) block-fading communication system is studied in the finitehorizon online setting. First, the offline version of the problem is considered, and formulated as a mixed integer linear program (MILP). Then, the infinite-horizon online problem (IIL) is considered relaxing the battery constraints. Solutions of these two problems provide lower bounds on the finite-horizon online problem, for which we provide a low-complexity heuristic scheme, called the fixed threshol...
Transmission strategies and resource allocation for fading broadcast relay channels
Isikman, Arif Onder; Yüksel Turgut, Ayşe Melda (2015-01-01)
In this paper the broadcast relay channel, where the source communicates with multiple destinations with the help of a single relay is studied. Five different transmission protocols, direct transmission, multihop (MH), multihop with link combination (MHLC), path selection (PS) and path selection with link combination (PSLC) are investigated. In MH and MHLC, the relay decodes the source message and assists both destinations. In PS and PSLC, the relay can perform partial decoding and has the option to help on...
Total outage capacity of randomly-spread coded-CDMA with linear multiuser receivers over multipath fading channels
Ertug, O; Sayrac, B; Baykal, Buyurman; Yucel, MD (2003-07-03)
We address in this paper the derivation and analysis of the outage spectral efficiencies achievable with linear multiuser receivers over randomly-spread multipath fading time-varying coded-CDMA channels. The basis of the derivations is the use of non-asymptotic average eigenvalue densities of random cross-correlation matrices. The analysis give important clues on the achievable capacity with linear multiuser receivers under non-ergodic transmission situations.
Optimal Power Allocation for Average Detection Probability Criterion Over Flat Fading Channels
Sarıtaş, Serkan; Sezer, Ahmet Dundar; Gezici, Sinan; Yuksel, Serdar (2017-03-01)
In this paper, the problem of optimal power allocation over flat fading additive white Gaussian noise channels is considered for maximizing the average detection probability of a signal emitted from a power constrained transmitter in the Neyman-Pearson framework. It is assumed that the transmitter can perform power adaptation under peak and average power constraints based on the channel state information fed back by the receiver. Using results from measure theory and convex analysis, it is shown that this o...
Citation Formats
A. M. Yüksel Turgut and B. YÜKSEKKAYA, “Minimum Outage Probability for the Relay Channel under Individual Power Constraints,” IEEE COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS, vol. 16, no. 7, pp. 982–985, 2012, Accessed: 00, 2022. [Online]. Available: